
So what is Steemblogs.club?
During these past nine months, I have learned a lot about Wordpress. Everything from security to customisation, speed optimisations and applying custom CSS. I have shared a few tutorials already, but wanted to provide a centralised place to help and support other users, new to Wordpress. So today I created a new Discord server HERE. I hope that in the coming months this will grow into a thriving community of Steem and Wordpress bloggers helping and supporting each other. The server is brand new and fairly empty right now, but over the coming days I will be adding more rooms and content.Anything else?
At the moment, for me to host a domain for you, you would have to purchase a domain name first. How much this costs depends on various factors such as the registrar used, the popularity of the name you want and the domain extension you want - .com .uk .org etc. While for serious blogging I would always recommend owning your own domain, the cheaper option would be to have your Wordpress site hosted under a sub-domain. This way, you wouldn't have to buy a domain name if you are starting out and just want to test the waters. I have decided to offer this option under the Steemblogs.club domain. So, for example, should I want a Wordpress site hosted under this domain, I would use my Steem username as the sub-domain prefix like this: gmuxx.steemblogs.club.How much for a sub-domain?
As previously stated, owning your own domain is always going to be preferable to using as sub-domain. Because of this, I would expect that using a sub-domain would be a short term solution. As such I have decided to charge $2 worth of Steem or SBD per month, or if you'd prefer, $20 per year.What happens to my blog when I buy a domain name?
If you decide to buy a domain name and get hosting - either through myself or another service - it's a fairly pain free process to back up your current site under a sub-domain and restore it to your new host account. Through the Steemblogs.club Discord server, I can assist you with this.Do you still offer regular hosting?
Certainly. If you have a domain name you wish for me to host for $20 a year - payable in Steem or SBD - then drop into the Steemblogs.club Discord server and let me know.How quickly can I get set up?
Bear in mind that I am in the UK and therefore in the GMT timezone. At the maximum, I will have your account set up within 12-15 hours of receiving payment and details from you. In most cases this will be much sooner.Anything else?
Each hosted account - including sub-domains - will have a free SSL certificate created for it. It is then a simple process to get this set up in Wordpress so that your site will prefix with a secure https and be recognised as secure in browsers. Again, I will show you how to accomplish this in the Steemblogs.club Discord server.Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://www.muxxy.co.uk/announcing-steemblogs-club/
Just the help I have been looking for. Thank you @shadowspub for directing me here. I'll be in touch @gmuxx :)
My pleasure. Happy to help.
I have come over here from @vornix - I missed this. I will follow up in a day or so.
No problem, I look forward to speaking with you.
Tagging so you can see this (hopefully) @enjar.
Thanks for letting me know but I’m already happy with my solution for now that requires very little effort on my part to maintain on the technical side of things.
This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all the latest news on the Steem blockchain.
Thank you.