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RE: Big weekend for some close friends... ** Sensitive Topic: Transgender**

in #hottopics7 years ago (edited)

Sure to all of that, except what I said was Rose is transphobic, I didn't really look to far into this incident because it doesn't matter past that to me. I don't have an opinion on the right and wrong of it. They both felt they where right, its murkey as to the truth of it, watching the tape it felt wrong but meh, we all trying to survive. The point I was making, and still am making is that Rose is transphobic, clearly and without question. Also the trans haters came out immediately to below this women's life apart, because she's trans. I give zero fucks really about the situation they are both riding coat tails to seek fame they didn't earn however...only one of them is transphobic, and that's Rose, just saying🤗🤗🤗💜🦄