Cat Behavior for Beginners

in #house9 years ago

 Written by Gaye Flagg We tend to think of our cats as furry little people who walk on all fours and speak in some exotic foreign language, but this couldn't be further from the truth! Cats are, first and foremost, felines. They have natural instincts that serve as their guide - hunting and stalking prey are among the strongest. In other words, they ACT like cats. 

 Cats tend to be very active, curious and athletic creatures so be prepared to stimulate your kitty with plenty of interactive toys and safe places to explore and climb. Keeping kitty indoors at all times is a must, unless you can make an outside area where the risk of escape or danger is non-existent. Windows and doors to the outside should be secured with a heavy screen that latches safely to the frame. Loose or worn out screens should be replaced completely. When behavior issues arise, your first call should always be to the vet to schedule a thorough exam - this is paramount to rule out any health issues which may be causing the abnormal or inappropriate behavior. Once health issues are ruled out, then take a good, honest look at the behavior … is your kitty experiencing inappropriate litter box behavior? Check the litter box! Make sure it is clean and that all solid waste is removed at least daily. Provide at least one litter box per cat in your home. Is your kitty scratching on your expensive couch? Provide a scratching post! You will want to observe your cat's scratching behavior to determine whether she prefers an upright post or one that is flat on the floor. If Kitty stretches upward to scratch, then purchase a sturdy, tall, column-type post covered with either carpet or sisal. If your kitty prefers to stretch outwards, then purchase a scratching mat that lies flat on the floor. 

 Over time, I have heard a lot of people complain that their cat isn't behaving normally so they have employed the use of a water bottle to spray their kitties into behaving. Unless your cat is in the process of committing homicide, there are other, less drastic ways to get her attention than a thorough drenching. Wash out an empty soda can and let it completely air-dry. Drop a few pennies or coins in the bottom and when kitty isn't listening, shake the can vigorously. Many cats will immediately cease and desist whatever they were doing and most will take off running for parts unknown! 

 Sadly, many people still believe that yelling at a cat or even hitting it is the way to stop inappropriate behaviors. These methods are cruel, they do not work and in fact, only serve to allow the cat to distrust humans and possibly make the behavior problems worse. Just don't do it. 

Most behavior problems with cats are easily solved, but for the tough stuff, you'll need the help of the experts. 

 Remember these -  

  • Cats are not dogs, nor are they little people - they ACT like cats
  • Address behavior problems by first ruling out health related issues
  • Provide your cat with plenty of interactive toys, climbing stations and scratching posts
  • Never punish your cat by yelling at her or hitting her
  • When all else fails, there is still help from the experts

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