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RE: Concrete Floor Pour!

in #house3 years ago

It would have been criminal to not finish off that house after you put so much work into it!

I'm currently struggling a bit with the carnage created by the digger I got in, need a strategy to tidy everything up - backwards to go forwards and all that.

My lack of knowledge of what I can plant isn't helping... for borders... Cistus (Scuse spelling), Rosemary are nice, various cacti, but I'm sort of stuck after that!

Thankfully I've got plenty of time!

Slowly slowly!


Honestly it just makes me so happy that new life is being breathed into it ❤️ And depends if you're looking for a hedge or just low shrubs for aesthetics. For hedges I'm a big fan of coppiced and woven fruit or nut trees! Hazelnut is a popular one for that :)

Well I want pretty, productive, fire resistant, bee-friendly, medicinal/ fruiting/ drought resistant plants - a mix of, I'm not asking much!

I recently found a great little blog with a VERY hand list! I'm working my way through scheming.

I have to build the soil up first.

I guarantee in 60 years time you won't recognise the place!