China Dumps Treasuries As The Central Bank Begins The Campaign To Collapse The Economy-Episode 1475a

in #housing7 years ago

Housing starts crash in December and November was revised lower. The party is over the Philly Fed declines. Trumps says it would be best to cancel NAFTA. The dollar is free fall. Chinese Treasury holding decline and it could accelerate if a trade war is pushed on them. The central banks are preparing to take down the economy, they just wanted Trump to have enough time in the White House to take full responsibility of the economy. It has begun the corporate media and central bank is making their move.


Thanks again, Dave, for sharing your consistent work and information.

@x22Report... Based upon what You wrote in this Post, this should be a very Good video and very important, as well.

Thank You for Your ongoing creation of videos & sharing of knowledge & wisdom.

Just finished the video and Your scenario is certainly probable... but the timing of WHEN the US Bond Market really starts to tumble, which we may be witnessing the beginning of... this is when, in my humble opinion,
when rates will start to rise VERY Quickly and the FED is and will continue to be "behind the curve"... They can only apply so many band-aids/short-term fixes and then the "dam" Bursts !!


Thank You Again Dave for sharing... Have a Good Weekend !!

Cheers !!

Hey, man your research is second to non but many people are saying that this is prophesied in the Bible what do you all think .

Trump was campaigning that the stock market was "a big fat ugly bubble", now he loves it and takes full credit for it. Unbelievable! He made his bed now he will have to lay in it. Whenever my FB friends start whining about Trump I remind them that he will be the fall guy for Obama's deficit fueled economy. At the end of the day you have to take care of yourself and your family first. Everything else is just noise that you cannot control.

We certainly do live in interesting times

I think the housing is going to start to come down even more if the bond market keeps selling off and the interest rates rise. Had to happen eventually!

Wow Dave, I am pretty incredulous you are predicting that Trump will take central banking out of the US economy. Andy Jackson was a pretty remarkable man, and those are some damn big boots to fill.

Frankly, I'll be surprised if Trump manages to get charges filed against anyone named Clinton.

After what happened to Adam Kokesh within an hour of his announcing his candidacy for President on the Libertarian ticket, I'm not remotely as confident in Trump as I had been in the past - and that was simply to say that I found him preferable to Killary.

At this point IDGAF about money. We need to end the surveillance state. When Trump was a candidate that power was used against him. He won anyway. Now he wields the power, and within an hour of announcing his candidacy, Adam Kokesh is locked in a cage charged with felonies based on planted evidence.

That is not the kind of action taken by a President that will end the Fed.

That's the kind of action taken by a President owned by the Fed.