The housing market has hit the top, the everyday American has been pushed out of the housing market. Rates are rising very quickly and this will push many individuals out of the housing market, which will not end well. Facebook is now banning cryptocurrency. The central banks around the world are demonizing cryptocurrencies and at the same time making a move to control them. The US dollar is in free fall and Mnuchin is backtracking on his statement. At this point it doesn't matter because he just nudged it enough to get the ball rolling. The corporate media is also nudging the economy stating the fed will need accelerate the raising of interest rates.
Thanks again, Dave.
If I had a dollar everytime you said we were on the brink of collapse, I could retire.
cryptocurrencies ads banning by facebook that shows cyrptos will get bigger and bigger..
makes sense. Facebook's business model prevents it from surviving if decentralized social media keeps growing... which it will.
yea i saw that earlier and i was kinda mad! But i expected it
Essentially they're saying "We think you're too stupid do your own research and due diligence to make your own investment decisions." Wonder if they were possibly spooked by this bitconnect class action against it's hacky youtube promoters, or if it's all just centralized power structure cheerleading.
Maybe it's a grudge against the Winklevoss' for making in crypto what they deserved from Facebook ;)
Bringing us the news we may not want to hear, but should hear anyways!
Batten down the hatches, it's going to be a rough ride.
i needed that thank u
dollar, bitcoin continues to decline. I need news on the market now.
Buy Gold
Interesting timing with Facebook banning cryptocurrency/ICO advertising given the news of Tether and Bitfinex being subpeonaed just coming out, driving crypto values even lower. Possible coordinated attack? Look forward to seeing that backfire like their fake news policy.
Today we had a slight sell off just over 1%. I think that the panic was because it's been so long since the market actually went down that people forgot it could.
Housing will not collapse with a real estate mogul in power, should be pretty obvious. Homes will become unaffordable for the average person and they will be paying high rents for life. High home prices only favor career Landlords, not homeowners.
Better get used to more vacant homes and blossoming tent cities.
We could see tent cities, vacant homes and rising home prices, people with full time jobs are living in their cars as they cannot afford the rents in CA.
Thank You, for all your reports.