Some of this I agree with and some I don't, but I do like the article nonetheless. Addiction and quitting certain things can be very challenging, especially when it has been programmed for so long in our brain. I don't consider changing the habit to thinking its disgusting though, will help all that much. Because from some people perspective thats just planting a seed that isn't true for them. But it can be in due time.
I have a post on addiction as well, its more about porn though. Come check it out if you are interested. Thanks for your thoughts!
Thanks for reading love :) I appreciate you being honest, its okay to not agree with me. I do agree that it can be challenging, it took me many years to quit. From my experience, planting that seed took a freaking LOT of planting. Like that was multiple seeds lol. Its like growing an avocado tree :P , I definitely agree with you though
I caught some of your post earlier through FB, will read the rest and share my thoughts with you . ^_^