
The winner flash powder was Kclo4/Al/S 50/40/10%.Its works best with professional 3-4 micron dark aluminium powder. It was extreme powerful,extreme loud,very bright and absolute stable.Its much better than the magnesium version.The magnesium version Kclo4/Mg/S 50%40/10% has a very pale and small effect in larger firecrackers.Unlike the aluminium which completely different is true.If you want extreme loud,extreme powerful,extrem bright firecrackers with stable mixture Kclo4/Al/S 50/40/10% are the best.This vas the most powerful Kclo4 Al S ratio and much more stronger than standart Kclo4/Al 70/30 and better than Kclo4/Mg 50/50.

The process was easy

-The magnesium powder was milled the possible finest powder

-The magnesium powder was coated with 4% pure boiled linseed oil what dissolved in white spirit than completely dried serval days to get a hard strengh coat.(See Takeo Shimizu fireworks the art science and technique) in Magnesium.

-The potassium perchlorate first heated to make it wapor free.Than grinded down in a poppy seed grinder to the possibble finest powder 3-4 hour grinding.And heated serval times in a hot plate so the dust does not knot.

-The 5 4 1 ratio are a balance-sheet weigh out.

-The potassium perchlorate heated again.And grinded more finer in a mortar.

-Now i used protective gear closed safety glases,and safety gloves!

-The sulfur are grinded and al components are mixed

-All component carefully blended to a homogeneous powder in the mortar.Not grinded!Just softly and carefuly mixed together the ingredients. In two small max 5g dose!

-The flash powder must be always sive in a sieve before use in firecrackers to loosen the dust!

Kclo4 Aluminium sulfure with 4 micron aluminium are much more stable,brighter,mutch more effective and have the same sound so i recommend to use aluminium with sulfur.

Accurate description recipe find here: Amateur pyrotechnics forum with toturials:

This video i made special catalysed flash powders for firecrackers (Petard) and fine powdered magnesium and aluminium powder with household materials.I will test the flash powders sensytivity,stability,and power.I will coat the magnesium with linseed oil for protect it from the another mixed chemicals.I will show you how mutch extra power gives the flash powder if you use extra catalyst like sulphur.

This flash powder made from home made aluminium and magnesium.The magnesium powder made water heater anode (this is 75% Mg 25% Al) and the aluminium powder made aluminium foil and grinded a poppy seed grinder.The water heater anode burnish with sand paper.The fine podwered metal podwers made a granite (or satinless steel better) plate and bar (Stamp Process).The metal particles are only ground when they are a single layer between the two surfaces, and only a very tiny portion of two round surfaces are close enough to eachother.

If either component but especially the metal powders are not enough fine ,the flash powders will burning slowly.This flash powders works the best with 400 mesh and much more finer magnesium powder and 3-4 micron dark aluminium powder.If you want the best result always buy and use the possible most finest particle size metal powders.

Catalysed flash powders ratio for firecrackers:
Normal Kno3 Petard flash:
Postassium Nitrate/Magnesium/sulphur Kno3 Mg s 50/40/10%
Extreme strong with bigger effect:
Postassium perchhlorate/Magnesium/sulphur Kclo4 Mg s 50/40/10%
Extreme strong:
Postassium perchhlorate/Aluminium/sulphur Kclo4 Al s 50/40/10%
Normal strong very bright:
Barium Nitrate/Magnesium/sulphur Bano3(2) Mg s 50/40/10%
Normal strong (stronger than kno3) big effect:
Postassium permanganate/Aluminium/sulphur KMNO4 Al s 60/30/10% (6/3/1)

Catalysed flash powders are mutch stronger than normal flash powders.The magnesium based flash powders are coated with linseed oil to protect the magnesium powder.