No problem :). There is also an application called app inventor that MIT created that is basically the same thing. However, this gives you more flexibility and options. You're able to add admob ads to your apps using Thunkable
Its pretty neat, just made a working app for steemvids in 5 minutes.. Do you know if it supports android intents though ?
End result I'm looking for is an app I can summon via the standard android share dialog on a youtube video, and have it forward the youtube url to the steemvids app so it can make a template and post to steemit as conveniently as possible :)
Look into the activity starter under connectivity. I'm not entirely sure how to help you achieve what you're trying to achieve, but i'm almost certain you can find a way to make it work using thunkable and all the options they give you. Also check out the web viewer, and web connectivity options. I have even used the web connectivity to send get,post requests to an external php server to do certain things.
No problem :). There is also an application called app inventor that MIT created that is basically the same thing. However, this gives you more flexibility and options. You're able to add admob ads to your apps using Thunkable
Its pretty neat, just made a working app for steemvids in 5 minutes.. Do you know if it supports android intents though ?
End result I'm looking for is an app I can summon via the standard android share dialog on a youtube video, and have it forward the youtube url to the steemvids app so it can make a template and post to steemit as conveniently as possible :)
Will check out MIT's version too, thanks!
Look into the activity starter under connectivity. I'm not entirely sure how to help you achieve what you're trying to achieve, but i'm almost certain you can find a way to make it work using thunkable and all the options they give you. Also check out the web viewer, and web connectivity options. I have even used the web connectivity to send get,post requests to an external php server to do certain things.
Interesting, thanks - well alright I ran out of excuses to put off making a few apps I've been considering for a while now :) Cheers