How To Read Quickly and Better Remember What you Read?

in #howto7 years ago (edited)

Most adults are able to read about 300 words per minute, and after the speed reaches 1000 words per minute, problems with recognition and understanding of the reading begin. However, specialists in speed reading assure that a person is able to read 2-3 thousand words per minute, understanding and memorizing everything read. And such a result, they say, can be achieved not by super-people, but practically by each of us.

Thousands of words per minute may seem really incredible (and not so necessary) speed of reading, but in principle to increase the number of recognizable signs per minute can be almost any adult. Here are tips from experts who are engaged in speed reading, which will help you achieve good results and start reading faster.

View text

In order to understand what the text you need to overcome, first study the introduction, annotation and table of contents. Perhaps this will help you better navigate the text, clinging to the "markers", isolating the important and ignoring the less significant. Experts recommend viewing the text, "glide" at him with a look, and not read every word by letter.

Read on paper

The results of some studies suggest that people perceive what they read better when they hold a paper book, newspaper or magazine in their hands than if they need to read from a laptop, tablet, smartphone or e-book screen. The reasons for this are not completely clear, but it is shown that the printed text is remembered better than the same text read from the screen. This approach is not always possible, but in some cases, it makes sense to do so.

Make the font bigger

In the event that you have to read from the screen of an electronic device(and this happens to us almost every day), remember that a larger font promotes faster reading and better memorization. Of course, there is a limit to everything, and it's unlikely that you will agree to read a book where only a couple of words are written on the page, but remember that increasing the font by a couple of points can help you read faster and better understand the above.

Enrich your vocabulary

To read faster, you need to read more, enriching your vocabulary with new words. It is quite obvious that the less there are unfamiliar words in the text, the easier it will be for such a text to be understood, which means that the speed of its reading will increase.

Take notes

After reading the chapter or section of the text, it is worthwhile to comprehend the information read, perhaps even to write down several sentences as a kind of resume. This will help to better understand the meaning of the reading and better remember what you just read.

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Great share

This happens with me :/