I used goats milk to supplement when my kids were young, but older. The digestion thing was super important!
I do love goats!
I would love to see anything you make, but, I have to admit, that I am partial to seeing how you do goat mike soap and goat shampoo!!! Now that would really turn my head! Thank you, @buckaroo! a And may I say just how amazing you and your magical life is!
I know your life can be hard some days, but, you can tell just how happy you are in your lifestyle! Not a lot of people can say that!
Cheers, my friend! A good night to you!
Upped and Steemed
Believe it or not your words are encouraging @dswigle. Sometimes it feels like it is one step forward and three steps back. We have huge challenges here and sometimes wonder if we should sell. But I LOVE my home. It is worth fighting for. And of course I couldn't bear not having any more goats. In the next week I will do either a cheese or soap post. But I will then follow it up in another week with the next recipe (soap or cheese or shampoo bar). My husband said it was my best post yet - he hasn't read all of them. But I told him that it's because I am so goat mad that you can read how passionate I am about my loveable mischiefs. I mean look at my naughty Emma sneaking into the dairy and having a nibble at the soap!! Goata love goats!