Hi, thanks for a good video. I’m not sure that I agree completely on step 3. If you hang on to the law of attraction and you manifest and visualize both success and freedom you will have it. Or did I miss understand what she said? A lot of props should learn from this video. It is possible to reprogram you gate keeper as I like to call it. You will have to listen to it, see how it makes you feel and you have to challenge it when you want to make changes:-)
Have a great day:-)
Best regards @everydaycoach
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@everydaycoach - Apologies for the delayed response. My bandwidth was a complete mess.
Your point you raise is an interesting one and I tried to wrap my head around it. In the end I believe it comes down to meta-principles, i.e. how advanced you are in your development regards matters of the sub-conscious. For many uninitiated LoA, visualizing and manifesting may be "airy-fairy" and perhaps a bit intangible. In this instance step three gives beginners a bit of a stepping stone in a pragmatic way.
Thanks for the comment.