Thank you for this post, it sure is helpful to a minnow like me. You taught me how to hyperlink! Yesssssssssss. I have not used this type of blog platform before in my life, it took me a tutorial to figure out how to add a photo. And I was wondering about the link, and voila!
this...Funny you mention advertisement, that's how I found you today! Through your name being tagged in a post by @cryptoiskey let's see if I can do
YESSS!!!! It worked, thank you. :)
Oh yeah, Gotta love @cryptoiskey!
He's awesome and made this helpful post a while ago:
Posting Fundamentals - HOW TO BLOG
Thanks for the mentions mate:)
YOU deserve it!
Me too! I was trying to wrap my head around the HTML code and it gave me a headache LOL
@papa-pepper has shown an easy way! Thank you!
You are most welcome!