How to do Math Homework with your child in 10 easy steps! ... (or not)

in #howto7 years ago (edited)

ONE: Gather with books/ supplies and embrace a positive attitude!!!

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TWO: Encourage the child (Math is hard for most kids. Be nice!)

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THREE: Attempt to maintain patience. Resist imminently building frustration

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FOUR: Search for tutorials online

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FIVE: Tell the child that this "isn't how we did it when I was a kid!"

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SIX. Silently reprimand self for so much as uttering the phrase "when I was a kid"

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SEVEN. Complete the problems that you are able to help with

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EIGHT. Consider family therapy

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NINE. Give up all hope

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TEN. Send child to early morning tutoring

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My child is fully convinced that MATH stands for


Haha! That's a good one!

Yes, definitely not her favorite subject in school (or her best)

haha...The 2 step guide...1)Take boxing lessons 2) Get one of the smart kids to do it. McFlyyyy

😆😆😆 Indeed!

I know these feels all too well. Words of encouragement: It only gets worse as they get older. Hahaha!

Oh yay, can't wait... Lol, the girls are actually really bright, we just get frustrated when we can't help them solve a problem.

I love this melody!! I feel like if they didn't use such fancy vocabulary, we could still understand it. give me number sentences, not word problems. fancy words like find the liner sum of the guesstimated balloons. then show how you came up with your answer with 472 dots and lines. then write a sentence about how you know that answer.
"cuz i know stuffs?" 'pen-drop*?'

Yeah, it's completely different from what I learned growing up, so jason and I get easily frustrated!(Need to work on the patience aspect lol) We really do what we can, but sometimes we have to resort to tutoring!

Lol... funny