This article will help you create an image slider that you can use on Steemit. You can use this to show many images without crowding your post or comment.
I add a space between "<" and the word to stop it from executing.
< table>
< tbody>
< tr>
< td>
< pre>
< img src="IMAGE URL" />
< /a>
< img src="IMAGE URL" />
< img src="IMAGE URL" />
< img src="IMAGE URL" />
< img src="IMAGE URL" />
< img src="IMAGE URL" />
< img src="IMAGE URL" />
< img src="IMAGE URL" />
< /pre>
< /td>
< /tr>
< /tbody>
< /table>
Oki, so 1 line of table makes it slide. Nice.
Yep, it is just < pre> and < /pre> that makes it a slider.