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Have you ever yelled at your child? Sometimes, for some parents, screaming at the child is a difficult time to avoid when lost. But for some parents, being rude and snapping at their child is believed to be the most effective way to discipline a child, making it a habit. Unfortunately, screaming is one way of discipline that is completely ineffective, it can even cause behavioral problems in children.
Whatever your reason, in reality, we will not be able to teach children how to manage their better behavior, by shouting at them. Barking is a very easy but primitive way to solve a problem :D. The problem is, if this way is easy to use, we tend to be reluctant to do other, more complicated ways. When a child gets used to screaming and hitting his sister, he will never learn to solve problems peacefully. You can imagine how the future of our child if left too accustomed to solve the problem with a scream, there are many other discipline strategies that are more effective in teaching children to improve their behavior.
Creating Clear Rules
Make clear rules about tasks and things that should not be done. Make a written list of household rules that are clearly posted. It helps remind children what you expect. It also serves as a good reminder to you about which behavior needs to be addressed. Evaluation and revision of the required list from time to time.Discuss Negative Consequences
Explain the negative consequences for those who violate the rules for your child up front. Explain how you will apply the rules. Discuss deadlines in duty or discipline, punishment, or use logical consequences to help children learn from their mistakes. Plan ahead how to handle behavior. Having a plan can help you respond to behavioral problems effectively, not by shouting.Perform Positive Reinforcement
Motivate your child to follow the rules by using positive reinforcement. If there are negative consequences for the breach of the rules, there must also be positive consequences for the actions that follow the rules. Positive reinforcements such as praising your child while following the rules will help prevent behavior problems. Give your child positive attention to reduce attention-seeking behavior. As your child faces certain behavioral problems, the reward system will be very effective in helping with this problem. Simple rewards such as starring (can be stickers, paper stars, or even just a star sign plastered on the white board) work well for children, While rewards in the form of gift items or money can be effective with older children. The Reward system can help fix fast behavior problems.
- Apply the rules
Follow up with the consequences if your child is not listening. Avoid nagging or repeated warnings over and over again. Conversely, following up with the consequences will show that what you have to say should be really taken care of. If you feel that the consequences you are using are ineffective, try different consequences next time. Set rules consistently to show your child that certain behaviors are unacceptable. Consistent application of discipline is the key to changing the child's behavior for the better.
hopefully this can be useful for all of us
Regards, @syifauna

This is great. Saves many kids from emotional trauma. My dad screamed at me so if anyone with a deep voice yells at me, I get an anxiety attack.
I understand what you experienced @kathtea, Maybe not everyone can get through it, I think you are very amazing. Stay passionate about living this life. 😊😊😊
Really useful article, I'll try to apply the tips for my children. I need more this kind of knowledge.
Much love from me, glad to know you @syifauna. I'll follow your blog. 👍😍
Post yanng sangat baik..tp karena ngak ada bhs indonesia lama bisa dipahami. Saran saya kalau postingan edukasi spt ini mohon di bilingualkan. Agar kami2 bisa cepat bacanya ngak ke mbah google dulu. Tks sdh memberkan pencerahan hari ini. Selamat berkarya..
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@muhammad abi
Thank you for visiting and reading my article @muhammadabi , although my English is still very bad, but i will try to consistently write in English. In my opinion, this is where the proper English learning, we can communicate directly with the great people who exist in this world.
Benar @syifauna, saya pahami bukan very badnya tapi kami juga sangat-sangat very bad. (ha ha). yang kedua kami kan mau juga ingin tau post anda. Maaf sekali lagi. Saya ikut mendoakan semoga cita-cita @syifauna bisa dikabulkan. Selamat berjuang dan tetap semangat, mari berkarya. salam