
I think it goes with the territory, but generally speaking, Millenials are more "vocal" with their values. Hence tattoos, displays of individualism etc.

It is also evident in the things they do and the causes they support. While the older generation may be just ok with giving donations, the younger ones prefer to get their hands dirty and carry the load.

You're 100% spot on. Which then causes me to think why there's such difference? The exposure to online world is one cause I could think of. When us, Malaysians are aware of how others support the NGOs, we accepted the idea and wanted to do the same.

We know more and able to get more ideas, since most ideas are almost just a "google" away, we have accumulated tonnes of ideas in us and we wanted to make those ideas happen. This shows we're more "vocal". What do you think of this cause?

Not 100% sure on this, and I think it warrants deeper research and a possibly a post too!

(Y) (Y)
Hahaha good good! I'd like to hear more about this from your experiences.