Can I add some stuff to your list?
I do this for a living, and I've found some tools that make life so much easier.
For my script editor I use NetBeans. It has soe really nice features and is really useful.
I also use Notepad++. Both are free.
You should also install Firefox web browser and the Firebug addon.
I don't know how I ever coped without this combination of tools.
This functionality is also available in other browsers, but I find Firefox with Firebug the easiest to use.
The biggest tip I can give anyone following these tutorials is - don't be afraid. You won't break anything. Just give it a go and see what happens. :-)
Good on you @jackcoble for starting this up :-)
Thank you for that, it is definitely another choice for those of you who do not get on with the tools I use. I listed the ones I did due to the fact that I get on with them and that's the same for others :)
Thank you for those mentions though. I am sure that many others will come straight to your comment! And for those who are starting out, go and explore and have fun!