
Just looked at your profile and noticed the "Steemshit is censored" bit. What do you mean?

I think steemit is centralized, manipulated and controlled unfortunately.

Just found this post which argues your point rather well. I didn't think of it in this way.

So it seems you are right about the centralisation. As for manipulation/control, I suppose I can't argue with you there since the largest holders of Steem appear to be and the biggest whales are able to manipulate and control what is seen or not seen. I really like this platform but I do hope it doesn't turn out to be a pile of crap.

Same here but I fear thats what will happen, it usually does.

Another one on list to watch on YT .

Sounds like a normal conversation of ive got you by the nakers mate

that's a pretty educative video I learned a new thing today that's a great post!

Just went back to this post and it says
" This post was hidden due to low ratings."
Did not know this was happening on Steemit !

Oh its happening more than you think

Its done it again. So I now believe in what you are saying