Most very, very successful people did things their own way, so you can associate it with success.
The problem is: the way you think is like a well-traveled path through a forest. - It's just plain easier for people to take that path. It's a life-long habit in our neuron network developing since we were in the womb.
The older you get the harder these associations are to break and everything is associated to something else.
Tony is a very wise man. I met him once in Atlanta.
Yes, yes. It's very hard. Winning against myself is the hardest battle I ever been. Won the few stages already but there's more to go. It was playing Call of Duty where there are main series. I successfully completed the mission from call of duty 1-4 until modern warfare 2 but I still need to complete Black Ops to WWII. 😂😂😂 Sorry, not good at explaining. But yeah. 😊😊😊