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RE: All hail the Hoya.

in #hoya7 years ago

The blooms of this plant are perfectly geometrical, which is one of the reasons that the plant looks artificial upon first glance. I never knew much about Hoyas; in fact, I only recently learned their true name. They are breathtaking beauties that are in many homes. They are easy to take care of and they add an exotic touch to any home garden. Here’s some of what I’ve learned about this extraordinary plant.

The worst pest that will bother your Hoya plant is the root-knot nematode. These little pests seek out plants in areas that have warm temperatures year round. Locations where there is no fear of frost occurring suddenly overnight. If your Hoyas are infected, they will begin to decline in health. In many cases, these nematodes can be the death of the plant, but you can save it by taking a cutting from the top of the plant ant attempting to propagate it.



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