If you are planning to grow this plant in your garden, you can select a variety, depending on the color of the blooms or the growth habit. The ones with a twining or trailing habit can be grown in hanging baskets.
Hoya kerrii:
Heart or Valentine hoya is native to China and Thailand. The plant has succulent leaves. The veins are not visible on the heart-shaped leaves, as they are very thick and fleshy. It has a twining habit and would be perfect for a trellis.
Hoya multiflora:
Also referred to as the 'Shooting star' hoya, this species produces clusters of star-shaped white and yellow flowers that bend backwards. The leaves are dark green in color and are large, thick, and waxy. This plant grows well indoors.
Hoya carnosa:
Very popular among gardening enthusiasts, Hoya carnosa has thick, glossy leaves that are about 6-10 cm in length and 4-6 cm in width. The plant can grow up to a height of 15 feet. Its popularity is often attributed to its sweet fragrance. Each umbrel has about 20-30 flowers.
Hoya Bella:
Hoya Bella has creamy white, star-shaped flowers, with purple at the center. The leaves could be dark/bright green or variegated cream and green. This variety has a twining habit. It will produce blooms throughout the summer, if it gets bright, indirect sunlight.
Hoya bilobata:
Hoya bilobata is well-suited for trellis or hanging baskets. This plant produces small, glabrous leaves. It produces small flowers. The flowers have a faint scent.