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RE: All hail the Hoya.

in #hoya7 years ago

@ctrl-alt-nwo, Wow...seriously better to home gardens you introduced this time the Hoya plants. Various coloring flowers there. I glad to see your better description and photo images there. You every time given opportunity to followers to search more info via internet using. I give some extra information without breaking between 200 maximum words.



Hoya vines are absolutely stunning indoor plants. These unique plants are native to southern India and named after Thomas Hoym, the Duke of Northumberland’s gardener and the grower that brought attention to the Hoya. The Hoya climbing vine is easy to care for in most home situations provided they get plenty of indirect light and high humidity. These are long lived plants that prefer cramped growing conditions. With a little attention and knowledge on how to care for Hoya, these plants can be passed down from generation to generation.

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Hoya plants should be kept out of the high light of the day, as this may burn the leaves. They need bright light but indirect. Water the plant frequently enough in spring and summer that the soil is kept moist. Misting is also a good idea unless the plant is kept in the bathroom where shower steam will keep the air humid.


Hoya in winter do not need as much water as in summer. Wait until the top few inches of soil are dry. Mist plants that are near drying furnaces or other heat sources several times a week to increase humidity. Alternatively, Hoya climbing vine can have its container set on a saucer filled with small gravel and water to increase moisture around the plant without getting its roots sodden. Fertilizing is not part of wax plant care in winter.


Thank you for given best gardening post again. You inspire our world.

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Really great pics !!