Oh, yes, my friend, an unusually beautiful, which has an unusually bright coloring - hoya (wax ivy), with proper, and very simple care, hoya will certainly thank the beautiful, like wax flowers. Flowering hoyi will last a long time, about six months. The rules of caring for her are very simple. The whimsical beauty loves comfortable, warm weather (in summer +25, and in the winter and autumn time of the year up to +15 degrees), although the heat tolerates easily. In the summer, wax ivy can be planted on the street.
Very fond of ivy and light. The plant can tolerate direct sunlight, but when the burn is received, the leaves lose their natural color and become faded and yellowish, which will adversely affect not only the aesthetic qualities, but also the health of the ivy itself. Lack of light, too, not the best way to affect the plant - the flowers will begin to fall.
Irrigation is no less important for the normal functioning of the flower. From early spring until late autumn, hoya needs generous watering. Watering is carried out as the earth clots dry out. In winter, water Hoyu a couple of days after it dries, and sometimes less. If watering was insufficient, the plant will also not bloom, due to the fact that all the forces of the flower will be spent on the restoration of dead roots.
For fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, the most suitable is the spring-summer season.
No less significant stage is the transplantation of hoyi. A young plant is transplanted every spring. Adult hoya needs a transplant at intervals of one to three years. For the transplantation of a plant, it is necessary to use a new pot, not the one in which any other plant was grown. But in any case, before changing the new pot should be thoroughly washed.
For washing dishes and tools, use detergent without harmful additives, for example, such as chlorine and the like. The mature plant should be transplanted every three years. The most comfortable for waxy ivy is a neutral or slightly acidic soil. It is not worth spending much time and effort preparing a comfortable earth mix for hoya, having a complex composition (1 part leaf and humus earth + 2 parts clay-turf). Because for this beauty, the garden land is also suitable. Drainage is also very useful for the normal functioning of the plant. Thank you @ctrl-alt-nwo