Hey! Nice to see you here. I am thinking of making a party once I reach the 1K BEER staked... don't know yet what I will do, but I am all up for ideas.
Crypto cards? Crypto.com obviously =) I mean if available, of course. Otherwise Revolut and then any Crypterium as the last alternative. TenX I need to remove, they are gone and Wirex, I would not really recommend... they got me nerves up... so it's a no for me.
There's probably more on the market by now, but I haven't done any investigation for a very long time. I been super satisfied with crypto.com for years now. But maybe it's time to go and have a look for options. Binance is another one that might be useful to have but I am unsure/doubtfull if better than crypto.com.
cool, thx for the feedback.
I plan some more activities around beer and love to get any advice and tips.
Dieselpools and some pairs is as well in my mind.
I am eventually going to create my diesel pool too (hopefully this year), and I am looking for another pair ... ideally it would be another coin... but I am open to suggestions.
The whitepaper needs some help too, but I will need it well-drafted before going under review and then public.
damn, we need to find some time to have a real talk
I am very late on things, so don't rush, but it would be a pleasure.