H.R. 6393: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017
it is easy to see how this law, if passed by the Senate and signed by the president, could be used to target, threaten, or eliminate so-called “fake news” websites, a list which has been used to arbitrarily define any website, or blog, that does not share the mainstream media's proclivity to serve as the Public Relations arm of a given administration.
- Kurt Nimmo, Activist Post
H.R. 6393 was unanimously voted in ...
H.R. 6393 Overview ...
H.R. 6393 Full Text ...
Now we get to wait and see if it passes through the Senate and becomes law. Can you imagine if some anonymous group can throw up a website labeling other websites that are not spreading the MSM propaganda as "Russian propaganda".https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/114/hr6393/text
Do you think the US government will use this law, if passed, to shut down websites they deem as a threat?
A "threat" could be just about any website that is not supporting their narrative, judging by the recent "fake news" retaliation by the MSM. Personally, I am astounded at how fast this was put together. It's almost like The Patriot Act, which was prepared well ahead of time. I would suspect the same foresight in this instance. They need to win the "infowar", as one outspoken yet likely controlled opposition reporter likes to put it. ;)
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law ......... abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press
Things haven't changed much...
nope...the MSN doesn't want to stop Fake News..they just want the government to control their competition.
Lies are harder to believe when people keep telling you the truth.
Sounds like McCarthyism all over again.
way worse. it turned out that mccarthy was right.
True story, the book Blacklisted by History lays out the course of events of that time very well, IMO. Lot's of dry Congressional record excerpts that paint the opposite picture of what most people think McCarthy did and who he was.. Also confirmed some by the Venona project disclosures.
thanks for the references. i'll look them up.
declassification of Venona and the temporary opening of Soviet archives proved that McCarthy was mostly right. See Haynes & Klehr In Denial for discussion of academia's dishonest insistence that there were no traitors.
Too bad that McCarthy WAS a drunk and an egomaniac...he did more damage to the anti-communist cause than he did good.
this is also true. unfortunately it is almost always true. people who are drawn to government rarely are happy with only filling their addiction to power. other addictions are almost always present, such as alcoholism and egomania. Nixon was also seeing communists everywhere, look what happened to him. still, the US and British governments were both shot through with communists, to near the highest levels. most of the planks in the communist platform have been fulfilled in the US today.
There are pretty much always people infiltrating. That does not make him right. He was seeing it everywhere. Hell even the "one nation under God" was added to the pledge during that era (1954) in an attempt to fight communism.
Yet now we have a population that is often yelling for communism and bashing capitalism, and pushing for stopping "fake news", and rioting over words rather than actual acts.
Very topsy turvy world.
it looks to me that most people, these days are adherents to communism, and are even unaware.
most of the planks in the communist platform have been put in place decades ago, and what is happening now is just, mopping up.
It depends upon where you are at. In places where communism was historically tried it is not popular at all. It is definitely becoming popular in places that historically fought it. Though that is NOT because it has suddenly become a good idea.
It is because they really don't teach critical thinking to people. Without that in education people tend to be lead around more by emotions and what feels good. "That person is hurting, we should make the government help them", "Education is too expensive, we should make it free", "Everyone should pitch in, and all resources are shared". All of these things functionally end up having REALLY big problems with rushing in emotionally and because it feels good. Yet most people are clueless of this.
Also while they do teach some history in school it is a pretty piss poor job of it when you get down to it. They barely touch on many topics.
The for example do not cover the fact that these arguments have occurred many times before. They do not cover with any detail what happens when these things are tried.
Those who do not know history are doomed to make the same mistakes.
What you are describing definitely fits into that.
So the McCarthyism era Communist movement FAILED. It took some time after that and the actual people pushing for it back then are now Capitalist, and our country and many others are embracing Communism and Socialism like the feel good solution to the things they don't like.
Yet they know squat about economics, resource chains, etc. They just treat it like a magic pill. It is a fairy tale. Yet due to the lack of critical thinking it is emotions that are in the drivers seat for most of the population.
Throw into that giving every child a participation trophy and other acts of increasing entitlement and it paints a very FAKE picture of reality. When reality does not behave the way the entitled want they can whine about it and post videos crying demanding reality change.
sounds pretty accurate to me. critical thinking seems to be the key. my question is how to make it a desirable option. how can learning and thinking be incentivized in the minds of people who do not already see its value?
Thanks for sharing.... I guess I'll switch to US approved propaganda and pretend news.
First they ignore you: past
then they laugh at you: past
then they fight you: present
then you win: future
If they were concerned about "fake news" why are CNN & MSNBC still up and running???
it all depends on who or what gets to define what is fake. i'd rather have facts, defined by natural law, myself.
Personally, I like the free marketplace of ideas...If something is crap, people will reject it without the help of the "intelligencia"!
smart, informed people will reject bad ideas. that is the reason for the destruction of the education system and the minds of generations of people. the free marketplace functions best when it is populated by free people, and not by addled, indoctrinated slaves.
I guess these idiots haven't heard of the First Amendment?
whenever i see a new bill being pushed to become law, i don't look at it in terms of the good it can do if it is used properly. i try to imagine how my worst enemy could use it against me, if they get the chance.
Upvoted and resteemed!
It would be hilarious if they were to make this law, then for Trump to use this law against the current Ministry of Truth.
After all, the mass media has:
In all these cases, the Ministry of Truth operated in terms that could reasonably be considered as propaganda for the Russian Federation.
More proof that affirmative action doesn't work!
This is rather amusing =)
I haven't read the full bill yet, but just from the screenshot up top it sounds like they're still trying hard to provoke Russia into war.
If they can justify wiping out any competition to their propaganda, that's a bonus. Resteemed.
I read everything pertaining to Russia and it looks like you may be right. This was drawn with a very broad brush, including limitations on travelling.
The unending antagonism is odd, right? Too bad the promise of peace after the fall of the Iron Curtain wasn't actually wanted by the powers that be. Humanity had an amazing chance to settle old grudges and just chill the f*c$ out...
there is less money and power in peace, for tyrants. just look at Cuba. the money was in the fear, and we didn't open up relations again until we got a socialist president.
Yup and not just money, there's no power in peace. Governments tend to be biased towards antagonism.
This is a direct violation of the 1st Amendment prohibition against free speech not to mention the freedom of the press clause.