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RE: I give a guy 100 upvotes, get no thank you, give him 1 flag, he writes a post about it!

in #human-reactions7 years ago (edited)

This is challenging. I love it though. To be honest @fyrstikken, if I'm being my usual self, I'll not comment on posts like this for the fear of flags.

I'm damn scared of it. But I always try to improve on what I do.

Now you just took my mind back to something important, I have to go appreciate all those who have been upvoting my blog here.

We humans take good deeds for granted, but get alarmed when the table turns.

Hmmmmm! Now I'm scared again! Please don't flag me, I'm too fragile for that. 🙍


I'm always scared of flags. I limit my humour to the minimum because I have gotten bashed before for being a heartless rampaging sarcasm machine. Nowadays I try to control myself and if a comment sounds too aggressive, I just don't post it, but I post the more loving ones. :3

i think you belong with these dark and funny folks at #comedyopenmic, it's a place full of odd balls, but your sense of humor will at least be appreciated there.

Lol! Now I have found another person who is scared of flags.

Nowadays I try to control myself and if a comment sounds too aggressive, I just don't post it, but I post the more loving ones. :3

@cryptosharon, It's better to post more loving ones. We need more kind words to heal the broken world.

I usually shy away from commenting on whales posts because I wouldn't want to offend them unknowingly. I once had a whale friend, but a single statement I never thought would hurt separated us until date.

Awww, I always comment anywhere, except under Bernie and Hae because those two are very flag-happy! I am always scared but I am brave and do it anyway. Sometimes I get recognition and votes for it so it has been worth it so far. :D