The animal with the most active faculties of reflection and reason

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There might be no reason to surmise the existence of one from the presence of the other. Such a man, without more experience, would never utilize his reasoning concerning any matter of fact, or be guaranteed of anything past what was instantly present to his memory and faculties.
Assume, that he has obtained more experience, and has lived so long on the planet as to have watched recognizable objects to be continually conjoined together, what is the outcome of this experience? He promptly gathers the existence of one object from the presence of the other.
However he has not gained any thought of the mystery power by which the one object delivers the other, nor by any process of reasoning, he is locked in to draw this derivation. Yet at the same time he gets himself resolved to draw it. In spite of the fact that he ought to be persuaded that his comprehension has no part in the operation, he would all things considered proceed in a similar course of considering.

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For wherever the redundancy of a specific act creates a propensity to recharge the same, without being actuated by any process of the understanding, we generally say, that this propensity is the impact of custom. By utilizing that word, we imagine not to have given a definitive reason of such a propensity.
We just bring up a guideline of human nature, which is generally recognized, and which is outstanding by its effects. Maybe we can push our request no farther, or profess to give the cause of this cause yet should rest placated with it as a definitive rule, which we can dole out, of every one of our decisions as a matter of fact.
It is adequate satisfaction, that we can go up until this point, without repining at the limitation of our faculties because they will convey us no farther. What's more, it is sure we here propel an exceptionally clear suggestion, when we attest that, after the consistent conjunction of two objects we are dictated by custom alone to expect the one from the presence of the other.

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This theory appears to be even the special case which clarifies the trouble, why we draw, from a thousand examples, an induction which we are not ready to draw from one occasion, that is, in no regard, unique in relation to them. Reason is unequipped for any such variety. The conclusions which it draws from thinking of one as circle are a similar which it would frame after looking over every one of the circles in the universe.
No man, having seen just a single body move subsequently to being instigated by another, could deduce that each other body will move after a like motivation. All deductions as a matter of fact, in this manner, are effects of custom, not of reasoning.

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Our ability to reason, blessing or a curse? We can arrive at an informed decision or most of the times be at worry or fear because of too much reasoning played out in our minds.
If you're going to ask if such reasoning could be true, the answer is, we don't know, because someone's truth could not a true to the other.
Yes reality to each lives can differ, and they can be to each his own. Truth however is unbending, we can readily see it with creation or nature like law of gravity, definition of mass and volume, etc...
Amazingly this ability to reason, is indeed treasured by humans. If one tries to take away their ability of reason, or tries to somewhat restraint his reason, take away his freedom of thought, that human will get upset or resort to hostility
That there is no such thing as absurd reason, it's only that a person doesn't like someone's reasoning but that doesn't make him stupid.
Reasoning can be obtain also tru constant reading depending on interest
That can be referred to as experience.
Agree, because it gives the idea based on the story and probability of the outcome!
But open discussion also sharpen both side of reasoning, the disagreement of both party will make it more lively