you must be Leisure Man today! lol...lounging around with your co-pilots or something like that. Well, supposedly Elon Musk is very leery of AI so he thinks this will be a protection against it.
Not sure how that works, maybe if he thinks humans are as smart as AI then we won't be taken by surprise.
I don't know. I heard that even cats will have those chips though, which means they'll be smarter than krazzytrukker! Not sure how that's gonna work out.
Hey with 5G launching everywhere that's what's supposed to unleash the autonomous semis. I guess they'd have to be electric ones right? How else would they fuel themselves up? that one is still hard to believe.
I'll believe it when krazzytrukker gets his pink slip sayin he's been replaced by no one... just a driverless truck!
Bring on the pink slips.... I am too dumb to quit....
I figure with the lawsuits and death the auto trucks are gonna have to overcome it will be awhile. Maybe I can get 5-10 more yrs.
Unless You got that million dollar load of deadly toilets for Me to haul located....??!!
Then I am out..... Gone Fishin'
It doesn't sound like you should be out there drivin when they put those things on the road! I'll let you know if I hear anything about a high profit load that needs delivered.