Hello fellow steemians, my name is Cyril but I guess you all already know that because I made an introductory post earlier. This is a pic of me.
As I said earlier in my Niche post I love art. Mostly I enjoy the kind of art that has to do with music and song writing like poems although my best type of music is that which rhymes so I don't really enjoy slow songs some of my favorite rappers are 21 savage, Kodak Black,J Cole, Kendrick Lamar and Joyner Lucas . I also like taking photos although I don't take pics of myself I do take pics of objects and other living things. Here is a pic I took earlier today
Here's are some other pictures of today
Image source: http://www.beliefnet.com/faiths/prayer/8-morning-prayers-to-use-daily.aspx
Spirituality: I honestly think one needs to be strong spiritually, life has to do with more than just the physical aspects we see. There are parts which cannot be explored so I believe spirituality is a blessing rather than to be mocked.
Image source: https://wareham-ma.villagesoup.com/p/extra-extra-racism-in-wareham/1487875
Racism: Obviously racism still exists, even though it has reduced it still exists. To begin with Whites are the problem in this aspect, and I'm not just saying this because I'm black. One individual shouldn't feel superior to another mostly because of something as stupid as Colour. For crying out loud we all have the same number of body parts so whats the big difference between us. Although racism still exists due to religion differences and that needs to be extinguished, if you ask me the truth is that men are the sources of their own problems, most people don't think things through before going ahead in taking action, humans just need to be more aware of the decision they are about to take and not to just jump into it because of laziness.
Image source: http://www.cmo.com/features/articles/2017/5/24/modern-commerce-20-technology-sets-the-stage-for-a-new-round-of-disruption.html
Technology: I think technology is a gift from God However we might be taking that gift too far, Technology can be good because it helps us do simple tasks like the dishes, wash cars, wash clothes and we also have the "internet" which is a great place to get information about something or someone. But as the saying goes to much of everything is bad, technology seems to have been taken too far. Technology now makes humans lazy because it does all the work for us, with "hover boards" and "easy wheels" we don't need to work we just need to stand on them and they'll do the work for us. We also have TV which can be quite entertaining but too much of it leads to addiction which can affect both children and adults by taking away all their time. Lastly we have the internet I'm sure we all know what we can find there so I don't need to dig deep. The point is that technology has been taken too far and even though it is now making the life more or less easier it still has a dark side we should be aware of before inventing gadgets, etc.
Image Source: https://dailytimes.com.pk/35722/minorities-and-politics/
Politics: I don't have much to say about the government in other countries but when it comes to mine(Nigeria) I do have a few words. The corruption in this country obviously got to the leaders, shallow leaders results in shallow followers, our leaders are not deep enough for the country to grow, this country needs a leader with plans and not just one who goes there to sit, who's too quiet and never takes action and keeps on saying he is fighting corruption when he is obviously doing nothing. In conclusion this country needs action takers and not quiet leaders, the bondage of Nigerians has stayed for too long, we need to break free. Although we might have our own country, the masses still act and feel like slaves. Corruption needs to stop and the Youngins need jobs.
I think we are the light of this world as said in the Bible, if we can't change the world ourselves no one will change it for us. Like Joyner Lucas said "you can pray for some change but can't break a dollar" let's change this world for the better. Change begins with you. Thanks for reading.
KEEP steeming