you, and i and God are One

in #humanity7 years ago

Science and Religion both conspire to hide the truth about humanities true abilities, nature, and origins.
There are no religious test, for you to access and use what was given to you upon your entrance into this realm. You are not required to "believe" in a religion,demi-god or a person. Every human can access God and everything he has given to us. Healing, clairvoyance, and telepathy. Religion is a self imposed barrier to freedom. God is the river from which we are all able to freely drink. The world is like it is because we think there are barriers to entry, and religion refuses to teach us how to use our gifts. Science has been studying this for decades. These abilities exist. Your existence is your pass, your key. Read and learn about what has been given to you. Religions create rules where no rules exist. Science knows but hides the truth. The improbability of your existence right here and now, is beyond measure. That is your key. That's why every other religion can do what your religion can do. Its not about the religion, its about you. Accept your place, don't be satisfied hearing stories about people 2000 years ago. Learn, meditate, believe , focus, imagine , create, do!