The possibility to believe in something gives these lost souls a new perspective.
The POSSIBILITY! These savages never even pondered such a prospect, to religion.
Now regular people might ask themselves: why should we be paid back for all these conflicts outside of our personal area of authority?
Now civilized, learned folk who aren't pure wild savages, jungle folk.. who could never understand the absurdity of phrases such as "these conflicts outside our personal area of authority", who come clean with all inclusiveness and duty, what could a savage know of duty or delegating rights you don't have onto others.
As a consequence many people are starting to mistrust governments and their system or even actively rebelling against them.
As a consequence of people looking down on savages they run all your gas stations and don't have a chain around their neck labeled debt. Government taxes have been at an all time high for over 200 years over here though, and I don't think it has to do with trust, since government doesn't work on trust but on force. For 200 years checks and balances and limited government have constantly been expanding their powers and corruption.
'Piece cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.' - Ralph W. Emerson
Peace can be achieved through violence:
There's a very violent murdering raping child molesting man running around a community, only violence and prudent and swift violence will bring about peace, understanding will not. The peace he was speaking about wasn't very specific but all inclusive because that is what some poet would do, SYMBOLISM, devices. gawd.
Well one might believe that this is exactly what the offenders are pretenting: They invade our countries in order to destroy them from the inside.