One More Gift

in #humanity7 years ago (edited)


I used to have a favorite song until now and some of the lines goes like this "If there's one more gift I'd ask of You Lord, It would be peace here on earth. Your people have grown weary of living in confusion. When will we realize that neither heaven is at peace. When we will live not in peace." This song actually suits to what is happening in the world right now where peace seemed to be very impossible.


Crimes of all forms, bombings, kidnapping, rape, different abuses, hazing issues, nations against nations, drug addictions, graft and corruptions, robbery, etc., name it and we have if all. How awful but we have to admit that it's the real scenario of our society today. Our country, the world actually, is suffering this agony for quiet a long time already. In fact, it is very disgusting to open television, read newspapers, listen to radios, and browse the internet because news were almost the same. Somebody was being raped, grisly killed and thrown anywhere. There were those hideous issues of father abusing his own daughter and even a mother raped by her own son. It is very horrible indeed.


We were supposed to be brothers and sisters, not enemies. One must respect and value each other's right amidst the differences in religion, culture, belief, race and economic status. But sad to say that one of the reason for most of the chaos nowadays is the issue on religion. Not so long ago, we were shocked about the horrendous situation in Marawi City Lanao del Sur. The city was badly attacked by terrorists believed to be non-Christians. People there, Muslims and Christians, really suffered from these barbaric terrorist attack. Houses, schools, hospitals and even jails were burned-out. How traumatic it was especially to the children. They were the ones who are greatly affected with the situation. There were even issues of women being abused by some of the terrorists. How awful it was?


Yes, our government has been striving hard to combat these epidemic-like acts of terrorism and ao with the other problems of our society. They did a lot of peace talks and negotiations. Prayer rallies were being offered by our fellowmen. Soldiers bravely fought 'til their last breath just for peace. But still not enough. Why peace nowadays seemed to be very eloped? What happened to the world that is supposed to be filled with love and unity? Our dear children were very affected. They supposed to live in a peaceful community wherein they will just play, laugh and enjoy every moment they have. Everybody deserves to live in a world with no traces of fear and dismay.

Why can't we just love one another as to what God has told in His Golden Rules? Is it really difficult for us to let love lead us not hatred?

Each of us should begin to let peace enter within our own selves. Let us free our minds and hearts from all negativeness, the doubts, fears, confusions, jealousy, spirit of competition, and most of all let us be open enough to accept defeat, failure and disappointments. We should accept our own weaknesses and be challenge with it. By doing so, we can then find forgiving as easy as it should. If all people were sincerely inclined towards peace, it is difficult for us to hate and even compete with one another. Respect towards each other's right is also a great factor. No one should be treated greater than the other. Even government officials should be fair enough in all terms. No Muslims nor Christians and even all other religious groups that will become above the other.


All must be equal to the point that if one committed mistake, proper due process should be done. Let love enter our system, the love that rooted from God. With this kind of love, no one can even think of abusing his own daughter and his own mother. We can help one another in the fight against drugs. Proper education regarding substances including drugs can be given in all institutions and so with all the barangays especially to the out of school youths but the guidance from the parents and guardians should be at the topmost. Enough job opportunities for all can also be a big help. If the number of unemployment will decrease, people will have enough income for their living and with this it will increase the chance of eradicating issues of robbery, hold-ups, snatches, and even kidnapping for ransom. So many ways, effective ways that can help all of us for this battle. All we just need is the courage to help, respect, and protect one another. Let us be united with our government and in the end we can win this battle.

As for now, if there's really one more gift I will ask from the Lord, it would really be peace.

Image source: Google

Thanks for Dropping by.


Same as to me

that was my favorite song too when I was a child! i am really saddened knowing that peace is really hard to be achieved. if only these bad people would learn to live and strive on their own, then there wouldn't be thieves, carnappers and such. These terrorists too, they doesnt seem to care about their lives and the lives of other people they are wanting to kill. ☹️