Photographer Gets Accused Of Racism After His Perfect Black Model ‘Shudu’ Gets Instagram Famous

in #humanity7 years ago

There are thousands of beautiful models on Instagram, but Shudu Gram is one of the kind.

Cameron-James Wilson is a 28-year-old self-taught British photographer who is the man behind the stunning dark-skinned model. He created Shudu after teaching himself 3D, using online resources and YouTube videos.

“Shudu represents what I’ve always seen as beautiful, but something I don’t see often enough,” Wilson told Isiuwa Igodan. “Although there’s a slight change happening now, more people need to question, what really is beautiful.”

Even though the artist claims he wanted to spread the message of empowerment and inclusivity and many praise his talent, there was a huge backlash from people around the web, saying that by creating a black model the photographer wants to take away jobs from real black women.

“A white photographer figured out a way to profit off of black women without ever having to pay one,” wrote one Twitter user. “Now pls, tell me how our economic system is in no way built on and quite frankly reliant on racism and misogyny.”

When asked what he thinks about all the negativity, Wilson says that he never had any ill intentions and is not planning on using Shudu as a commercial model. “To me she’s special, yes, but as are millions of real-life African men and women.”















