Here is a meme I found on ........(I still did not) "delete facebook".
There are many confused and unfinished thought flashes in my mind, remembering the day, when I first, 10 years ago, signed up for Facebook but then, I read with excitement THE Steem White Paper in May 2016 and for me, one of the most important parts of the 44 pages document.
The reason why I am still HERE!
"Steem is committed to enabling free speech and building a free society." @dan
This sounds to good to be true!
Steem is a decentralized network that is operated by witnesses in jurisdictions around the world. All user actions are publicly recorded on the blockchain, and can be publicly verified. This means that there is no single entity that can censor content that is valued by STEEM holders.
Individual websites such as may censor content on their particular site, but content published on the blockchain is inherently broadcast traffic and mirrors all around the world may continue to make it available.
Freedom of speech is the foundation of all other liberties and any infringement upon freedom of speech undermines the only peaceful means of reaching consensus: discussion. Without free discussion voters cannot be fully informed, and uninformed voters are a greater threat to society than losing the right to vote. Censorship is a means of stealing votes through limiting public discourse.
What makes YOU "Human"?
We.....Humans .......can indeed think about alternative futures and make our deliberate choices accordingly.
"Creatures", without the capacity cannot be bound at all into a social contract, taking moral responsibility and as soon as we become aware about what we cause, we may feel morally obliged to change our ways.
" aware that all species of apes are under threat of extinction through human activity. We are the only species on this planet with the foresight capable of deliberately plotting a path toward a desirable long-term future. Plan it for the apes; because they can’t."- Source
People talk so much about freedom but do they really want it? What You do in your own world to achieve it?
I am sorry but I am a bit tired writing a lot at the moment, rather prefer nice discussions on my comment wall. Your previous feedback inspired me tremendously! Keep it coming!
I also will put a link for you from my very old "rants", various random thoughts, I wrote down 2 years ago.
Damn! It's been a long time I am here, trying to be "HUMAN", pouring out my heart and soul.
Human Behavior And The Human Mind - Just An Illusion? - Inspired By Awesome Bjoerk
The best part is the "Fuck-it Bucket" list, in case you need it, open the following link.
How To Gain Your RIGHT For FREEDOM, The Tenability Of What You CAN Do Anywhere, ANYTIME!
Once again, I am puzzled about many things around me, what I observe in our communities, how some people behave to reach their goals, what ways they choose to succeed, get rich, powerful and influential.
Some would "sell their Grandmother" to the devil! Right? To get what they want!
I have to admit that I liked this platform much better back then, when it was more "cosy". I am aware that I should maybe explain what it is I dislike but at the moment I don't feel like.
I mostly agree with my dear friend Wale from African Views!
Freedom is not only the right but also the tenability of what you can do anywhere anytime.
Yours @mammasitta
Do you fully agree with the concept of the White Paper? 100%?
What time do you chat discord?
Join us !
Would be nice to see you there as well
pretty much but I am waiting for an improved version which is much needed, looking at steemit's dynamic these days. There are lots of flaws and they need to be corrected and fixed ASAP!
a lot of economics and very little sociology
Wundervoll ! ! ! Und auch noch auf Facebook gefunden !
"Steem is committed to enabling free speech and building a free society." @dan
No censorship!
Auf Facebook werden die Kunstfiguren Kris Kind und Dr.Kristian Stuhl ständig zensuriert und gesperrt wegen entarteter Kunst, so nenne ich das :P Zur Zeit ist der Account von Dr. Kristian Stuhl seit über einem halben Jahr gesperrt und der Account von Kris Kind schon seit einem Monat wieder gesperrt, was das Posten betrifft, obwohl der Kris Kind Account vorher schon ein Jahr gesperrt war und ich dachte, er werde für immer gesperrt sein. Ich dokumentiere jeden "Verstoß" und warum die Sperre in Kraft getreten ist für ein Kunstprojekt gegen Zensur. Seit es Steemit gibt, teile ich nur noch die Steemit Artikel auf Facebook mi den Accounts die noch nicht gesperrt sind.
Aber das mit der freien Gesellschaft was Steemit betrifft teile ich nicht wirklich. Überall, wo Geld und Bewertungen ins Spiel kommen ist das mit der Freiheit so eine Sache. Alleine schon durch die Bewertungsnutzung verändern viele Nutzer ihr Verhalten, passen sich an, oder geben etwas anderes vor, um besser bewertet zu werden und mehr Geld zu verdienen. Klar kann ich hier alles sagen, was ich will, aber wenn es keiner hören will, werde ich halt ignoriert, stumm geschaltet, oder im schlimmsten Fall sogar geflaggt, oder ich verliere Reputation, die aber auch nur die Votes zustande kommt und nicht durch guten Content. Das Konzept ist zwar besser als Facebook, aber auch ein riesen großes Panoptikum / Panopticon.
Mich erinnert Steemit, die blockchain und überhaupt diese ganzen Social Medias eher an die black mirror season 3 episode 1
This place is a flawed place with an amazing potential.
I choose to stay because I have faith in the potential, not because I am blind to the flaws.
But, yes... there are days and there are days.
But as long as I keep seeing families fed, children educated, artistic and social projects being carried on and a single smile on the face of a young mother who lives on the other side of the world... I think I will stay here.
Because It means it is still worth it, after all.
This is how my censored post on FB looked like in the end
This was too much for him and the Zuckerzombies:
Hahhaa! Brilliant!
But even steemit starts being weird!
Where will we go next?
I wait for @dan 😷
Der is genauso hamma!!!! 🤣 perfect to start a great awesome day fellas 😘😘😘💃🏻🦋🙏🏼😇💋
hahahah cute spiderrrrrr
Hehehe! Yeah! It’s not a little fairy 🧚🏿♀️ at all.
Haha! 😂 der is super!!!! Like like like!!!!
Haha, funny :) me and my friends left Kazakhstan with this words... Kazakhstan is weird. Since that time I've been around the world but it only gets more weirder. Trump is a president🙈, Putin goes for another president term, Nazarbaev is still president. Europe doesn't welcome immigrants and refugees anymore. Seems like we have to buy an island and build our own country where honesty and kindness will be more valuable.
Let’s start building soon! 😳😝😂
I just don’t know where
I remember another old article now about utopia. Need to look for
Here we go
@sciencevienna @vasil-danev
It's really good article :) I would love to live in your utopia
We live in a world of duality, there will always be a dark side of things...
What do you find weird about Steemit? (I have my thoughts but would like to hear yours...)
Nice to see you on one of my articles Petra since I follow your wonderful music for quite some time.
I just woke up, reading all comments and yours to answer is the most difficult one. I might have to write a whole new article. I still respect the concept but I have to admit that in recent times, I realized that some “humans” can be very annoying, disturbing and destructive through their egos and greed. I am actually frustrated because I have to admit my doubts about my dream for a “free society”.
Thanks, @mammasitta!
You know, the only freedom I have found so far is that of knowing the illusory nature of our mind. People look for perfection - i.e. freedom from pain (or pain in the ass people ;) ) only to find that pain is a part of life, a part of growing. Discomfort is what propells us forward to evolve. IMHO... but that doesn’t nean that we can’t participate to make the world a better place ;)
You speak my mind precisely! Yes!
We can’t stop to take step by step to make OUR and our children’s World a better place. I do my part as much as possible and as long as I breath. I have a “little” voice but I can scream very loud, if I have to. 🌸🙌
I pray it dont get wired mama
It is already because some people are.
They should be kick out. Maybe by reporting them
We need to build utopia
haha thats a good one !
it seems steemit are now turned like FB, steem platform can hold the appeal just like at the begining!
Pssssss! Don’t say that too loud hahaha
We've got the freedom to do anything, we've just got to realize that, I mean become really aware of it. It's all in our heads and we're the only thing stopping ourselves from being free and happy.
Once again, you've managed to put a smile on my face - both with this post and the one from 2 years ago (Fuck-it Bucket List might just be one of the coolest things I've heard).
God, it's hard to love yourself sometimes and to do what's best for you, but it sure is satisfying <3
I would love to believe that humans could put the focus on freedom, not conflict, nor laws, holding us back to achieve that!
That’s what I had in mind and that’s why I think that some of us should make that “fuck it” list :) to keep the “creatures” in check. I need to protect my heart every day.
Still your boy @royaltiesboss-eu.
Wow! I haven’t thought about the animal farm! Should have added that one in the article.
Some deep thoughts here about our dying “humanity”. I am like a sponge of vibrations and it’s getting really weird wherever I look.
But it’s for sure super nice to meet you :) ...oh boy! 🤗
Still your boy @royaltiesboss-eu
Its also super nice meeting you @mammasitta, you also shared deep thoughts of yours in the article too. The bottom line is that some of us are aware of our dying humanity and so with the right orientation we may re-awaken humanity, who knows.I post it one more time, spamming my own wall hahaha because I just remembered that I am still looking for paradise 🤩
Our world has never been perfect even from the onset, and it can't be, may be we can create some stability, albeit temporarily but never a perfect world never an utopia.
My own thoughts though, and we are all entitled to our thoughts another reason I think its impossible to have an utopia, because what you deem as perfect to you might be flawed to me.
All we can do is do that which is right and affect your world positively.
@mammasitta, you are just awesome and I feel honoured meeting you.
Still your boy @royaltiesbiss-eu
Magnificent article. That's why many people choose STEM and not Facebook or YouTube. Their censorship is helped by the STEEM. Good luck to you and Love.
Freedom is secret data
great one!!!!! the pics said it all dear @mammasitta
thats enough to say!!!!!!! :-* thanks for this article. resteemed of course! more spiritz like you the world need :-)
We got more of those on STEEMIT these days.
I should exchange the sweet face of that nice Indian man to any other “gold digger” face I got in mind. There are way too many theses days.
Where are the IDEALISTS?
Read and follow this here as well @petrajordan as a part of my reply why I think even steemit is getting weird. I still believe in the STEEM blockchain though.
The ego-mind illusion is strong this days!!!! Everybody has to fight the own personal faith or ego or demons! Not from others! It’s like cleaning the appartment...!!!!!
The shit has to stop! Ego off-Heart on!!!! If Ego win-humans lost!!!! Kiss
You know what I mean :) EGO is "Made to stray"!!!
I don't know but this track jumped in my mind and I am blasting it very loud right now :)
aaaaarg! damn coooooool one!!!!!! perfect example! let the music speak again!!!!!!
passt wie topf auf deckel der satz!!!
Say it with the vibration of the MUSIC for always and forever
“Music is the weapon of the future” as Fela Kuti said
Yes!!!! I agree ;-))))))
Great one ☝🏽
Of course, when society collapses, terrible things happen. But we know and remember that everyone in this situation reacts in his own way. Even if everyone turns into savages, someone becomes a leader, someone - a shaman, someone - a hunter and a collector ... Society does not disappear - it is transformed.
I think I know what you say and mean. Huge transformation in effect!
I just wrote : Less is more meaning the Less you will accumulate the more free you will feel. I don’t know if you understand what I try to say.
I perfectly understand).
Hiya, mammasitta! I'm back from my trip...
Facebook has abused their customers with their insidious invasion of privacy. What is sold to us as a fun place to commune, share, interact, and socialize is actually a mass-marketing juggxrnaught bent on extracting as much coin from us and their partners as they possibly can.
Nothing stands in the way of their pursuit of wealth. Not privacy, morals, truth, integrity, or safety.
I hope that Steemit can continue to grow and expand as it offers a real chance at being the type of social media that serves its customers, and not enslaves them. Viva Steemit!!
It’s such a crazy time in a way!!!
FB has so much of my data....pffff
I am glad that you are back. I missed you already 🤗
mark is totally doomed up he has a challenging year ahead for sure the fate of the social media giant but the upcoming years will be like data is the new gold
I like that expression
Data is the new Gold!
I believe this line is true: Most people barter their freedom for some security.
As regards Facebook, i guess most people are just to lazy to dig into the nasty details hidden behind the offer, to a certain degree we all are. I use(d) it, because its fun, i try to be cautious, but i am certain, they still collect and know way more than i ever imagine.
They already got so much of my data....can’t even bother anymore. I used it mostly to promote my artists and events. I still do play around if I got extra time mostly to post steemit links. Data will be the new “gold” 😳
Yeah, just read, it's now official that they read message and chat logs via the mobile app. Data is already the new gold, FB makes Billions of it...
In my opinion you shared some deep thought words and topic and yes what we are facing now is just called freedom but it's just called, but in reality we are still controlled and there are many things we can't do without approval of someone, but real freedom have totally different aspects of actions and now these actions are suppressed and the greediness is sitting on the top of the chair and if we are under controlled of greedy people then we cannot act freely and in turn we will be kept away from our true needs of life. For example, in my opinion the government policies reflects as against of common people interests, banks try to increase the debt trap and media just showing the political and military wars. So we human beings are for living the peaceful life and we have to spread the love and kindness all over the world because we are one family and that is Humanity. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
It’s been a little crazy time since the internet was born and now we are doomed Hahhaa! I am so glad that I know how a different style of living was actually possible before. I believe that things will drastically change and the next generations will be more careful with data. I was too “generous” with mine.
The less we have the more we will feel free! I distanced myself from property, banks and keep on minimizing my responsibilities. I think that’s the way to go. Less is More!
You are absolutely right, we don't own anything from this world and we are not even belongs to this place when we go from this world, we will go with empty hands to it's really better to live natural life, as you said less is more, and have to spread love and kindness because that's the true essence of life.
exactly! That’s what I had in mind!
Nice to hear that. 🙂
Freedom is a fundamental right of individual, freedom to life, freedom to do whatever you desire to do if it is within the ambient of law. Facebook refused to decentralized, to me Facebook is just like am wasting up my time, I preferred be on steemit all day long, because I gain a lot on steemit.
That’s good but now I also have my doubts about this platform. Bots rule here it seems.
Loyalty, honesty and morals.
3 very important things to have in life.
I gave up fb 2 years ago and couldn’t be happier.
I am still there 🙈🙈🙈
Interesting topic . Love this topic so much ....
Thanks for share this @mammasitta
It’s one of those topics I could go on and on and on.......thank you! 🙌
You are most welcome
I quite agree with you ma'am. There are many things that make us human. And in my opinion, our humanity is the only edge we have as a specie.
Nice piece ma'am
We all want freedom but how to get it is the problem
Many writers do write about it,stage plays,and many other means of communication but do we heed thier advices?
First find "freedom" in within yourself.....Freedom in all ways...I speak about the Freedom to be in peace with your environment, your families, communities and even governments. Everything has its place and we are learning how to achieve the freedom, we so much deserve!
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That’s cool @shaka
I just read the article 🙌
I still have a Facebook account infact I was an early user of Facebook before it really went live I dropped off it once it kicked off but when I got back into Photography I got on it again but I nowadays post and run on there and don’t interact all my real time fir social networking is here on Steemit
I do IT ALL and I am ok with the consequences.....I enjoy every community to a certain level until I realise when I need a break. I am aware of the pro's and con's. Thats enough for me. No need to delete anything, not even Facebook. I am waiting for an improved version to keep on enjoying the #steemit platform. I lost a bit interest.....for now but will stay to stray :)
I am the same I am on all the major platforms and have spurts of activity on one or the other
For now my focus is on Steemit admittedly hoping for improvements but who knows where I will be in six months I certainly have no idea lol
Let’s see the possible “magic”
We never know in what direction we will float to.
Yes and not knowing makes it Kind of exciting
I have regarded Steemit as my joyful place to come everyday. I surely hope that it will be possible for me to continue to feel that way about it.
Lets hope.....but I wait for an improved version
Facebook authorities have treated us liars. I hope Facebook authorities will be punished enough for their actions.
I doubt it
I like the depths of these thoughts.
nice posting @mammasitta ,to be honest sometimes internet social media networking like "facebook" make me become skeptic about the word of "networking" itself , too many people around facebook need attention not connection , sometimes being honest will not give us a lot of friends but will find the right one
Good post my friend.i like your post
Wonderful mom, I read your post and my mind floods with ideas. I think of Jonh Lennon (Imagine), in the movie The Planet of the Apes, in all the social networks and the role I played in them before entering here recently, in Mother Teresa de Calcula, in the disgusting politicians of the world, in Nelson Mandela, in the future of my teenage daughter. I also think a lot about the meaning of the word Freedom, and I begin to question, even to myself, if I am acting correctly in society, if the power that God gave me I am using it consciously. I must stop writing to you now, because if not my mind can make a book with everything that you generated in me with this publication. You are one of my favorites here! I send you a huge hug.
well everyone has his own point of view but i do believe "Charity i the biggest source to make alive the humanity", because passing a smile and sharing the pains of others also come under the junction of humanity. We were created free and no body will go in others grave. The point is why do we feel so complex after this all, reason is we made our lives more complex by interfering in others matters that is the fault of #Fb. Luckily we are on the platform in which everyone has a freedom and everyone gets rewards through win-win approach :)
I like it your post..
Thats nice to know
Yes, thank you mamma..
Brick boundary steamat or new toned like fib, steam platform can hold you appeal just like it!
I am not sure if I did understand your words and meaning but would love to understand
We didn't really notice the lack of personal freedoms in the US before we started our travels through Mexico. When we started to realize all of the small things here that wouldn't be allowed in the US, it got us thinking.
It seems to me that in many developed countries, a certain attitude starts to permeate through society that says "I don't like XYZ, we should make it illegal!" If enough people start thinking that way, and before you know it, so many things are illegal!
I think a couple side effect of this are, for one, the lines between legality and morality start to blur. And two, people begin to take less personal responsibility.
Anyway, I hope this was comprehensible. I started out writing this comment with a different intent and it ended up going in a way that I didn't expect. I don't even remember what I set out to say! Haha.