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RE: And The World Is Standing Helpless - Trying To Understand What Happened In Manchester And How We Might Fight Back Global Violence

in #humanity8 years ago

Well how hard is it to understand!? Peace can be achieved by criminalization of the retards , psychos, ignoramus and primitive individuals, religious freaks , tribalists, intellectually challenged individuals, politicians that provide so called democracy and equal rights to above mentioned members of society .Not the crime but the criminals should be fought against, not corruption but the corrupt PEOPLE .


Peace can be achieved by criminalization of the (...) primitive individuals.

Define "primitive individual".

Primitive Individual= 1)Poorly functioning grey cells. 2)Failed entry exams to reputable high education institutions. 3) Scientifically illiterate person. 4) Intellectually challenged .5)Low level of general knowledge i.e. ignoramus. 6) Failed IQ and EQ tests. 7)Failed social skills test.

Surfermarly what's Your take on it?