Full Metal Ox Day 1216
Friday 28, June 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1281
Order out of Chaos
Ever wonder why Divine concepts don't work when humans try to implement them? It's because humans try to implement them. Order out of chaos is a theory interpreted by mankind from, as I recall, the idea that the solar system was formed from a big bang and has since settled into an orderly and predictable family of planets, moons, asteroids and comets, and such.
Man believes he can tame the wilderness with muscle, intellect and theory.
He also believes he can tame the "inferior" races of his own species.
Today, we take a look at how that idea is working out as chaos ensues around the planet. At least as reported by humans who literally don't know and don't care what's really going on.
Your humble vagabond doesn't "know" either. It's a puzzle I'm still working on.
It's Friday. Ending fortnight 4 with gains and giving grace to Universe. Enjoy your respite.
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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives
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YouTube: Back in Miami picking up the fortnight fitness, fasting, lifting & bodyweight calisthenics. It's been 20 years since we peaked in strength. We may not reach those numbers again but we'll stay in good shape trying.
Episode 61 Friday
Fantastic Friday
Season 5.0 Session 14
Monkey Bars Wednesday
Pullups Calisthenics
Episode 60 Monday
Hard Monday Returns
Season 5: Session 27:
Off Sunday Park Workout
Episode 59 Saturday
Back 2 Back
Episode 58
Session 26:
Off Monday Park Workout
Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!
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Living is the best part of life.