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RE: America Gets PUNK'D by Ashton Kutcher and the McCain Institute for Public Funds

Thank you for the article and your comments. If this movement were about alcohol instead of sex trafficking - then I'm Bill Wilson. I say that because I'm the person who not only created the first safe house for adult sex trafficking victims, along with the first hotline, but I'm also the person who raised awareness this even existed in our modern American society, and put the people together who passed the Trafficking Act of 2000. I did that because victims were being blocked from help at one point in time, and even treated like "criminals" if they sought help as "prostitutes". But once I helped to create that federal funding - that's when everything "flipped" and this field was turned on it's head for not just money by the way - but also by the very people who were being the trafficking. Let me explain - back in the 70's and 80's we had laws on the books against pimps and pornographers as well as child molesters. We didn't need to create a whole new legal system for victims of that because we had a system for that. What we didn't have was a system to help actual "trafficking" victims, i.e., victims of organized crime. Think of it this way - prior to the RICO act, we had laws against criminals, but we didn't have laws against the "machine" of organized crime. Our legal system had to evolve for that and also to even create witness protection. But since our program was the one that led the charge here - you'd think we'd be included in the movement like how if you go into treatment you now get a copy of the Big Book and you know Bill Wilson was the founder. But if you look at what people like McCain and Kutcher are doing - we're actively blacklisted and excluded. Why? Welcome to modern sex trafficking USA 101. If you watch the first 10 minutes of Bruce Lee's UNEDITED "Enter the Dragon" - everything said in that was the truth back in 1973 and I think it's probably why he was found dead three weeks before the film opened. He went to great pain in that film to show it was "white" women being trafficked on that island by Asian women also. And what he said was true - it wasn't illegal back then. Only once our work helped to open people's eyes that it was real and it did exist - well those people had to change tactics on how they were covering up what they were doing. I've now seen BILLIONS OF DOLLARS going into this black hole under the label "sex trafficking" and I assure you it's not going to help victims. I know because I'll call these same agencies with victims calling my hotline and ask them to cough up this help they're getting funded to provide - and we can't get a return phone call. It's become a fantastic way to launder money. If I'm wrong, then why weren't we included in Kutcher's speech? If again that was about helping alcoholics, then why wasn't Bill Wilson invited along? Because it's not about sex trafficking - that's why. I know I've gone to THORN directly about actual child sex trafficking operations - and again I can't get anyone to even come to the phone to talk to us about our information/evidence/victims sitting on my couch needing help. From what I've seen, I can show you on a map that where govt money has gone out to "help fight sex trafficking" I can show you actual organized sex trafficking entrenched, ran and protected by the legal system in that same area and even with the same offices. If you'd like to know more about what I'm talking about - I'm working on my memoirs to explain the whole story and history.