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RE: Humility, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #humility7 years ago

Humility pays. It speaks more of us being in control and keeping things in check.

I can say practically that humility is the mother of all virtues because it encompasses purity, charity and obedience. It is in being humble that our love becomes real and perfect. Humble spirit is always respected. I go by this saying that a spirit that bow down will always be lifted up whether biblically or in reality. Being humble give us the reason why life should not be taken as do or die affairs. Since you will be always be compose and see life as a thing that would pass away in a matter of time.

It goes like this: “The chameleon that is of a gentle/humble nature dies, how much more, a toad that shows off by going up and down.”

I will add to this, a person that is calm, humble and moderate never get anything talkless of someone that wield pride and always full of himself.

Humility as one of the most prominent of the virtues as it always determine how people will relate with you, an humble person is not some to show off and will always be moderate in all his endeavors.

Our behavior speak all about us that is why being humble is always imperative and will always be the best virtues to be adopted as part of parcel of us in our day to day activities.