To get some relief from the heat, one is getting wet in the fountain. Minsk, Belarus, May 30 Photo: Reuters
The whole body of one person has been wet in the heat of severe heat, Karachi, Pakistan, May 29 Photo: Reuters
An ice cream seller who is tired of a strong sunshine and acute heat, is taking a little sleep on his ice cream car. New Delhi, India, May 31 Photo: Reuters
In Jalalabad, Afghanistan, the temperature reached 42 degrees Celsius. A young man has fallen into the water. Jalalabad, Afghanistan, May 30 Photo: AFP
Sitting on the bench next to a cold shower. Stockholm, Sweden, May 29 Photo: Reuters
Children play with water in artificial fountains Bern, Switzerland, May 30 Photo: Reuters
To protect the intensity of heat, the elephant's elephant has been reduced to the reservoir. Islamabad, Pakistan, May 29 Photo: AFP
One is jumping into the water in a very hot summer. Malmo, Sweden, May 30 Photo: Reuters