This needs to happen, or something like it...along with several other changes IF Steemit actually values quality content equal to, or very close to equal to, its cyptocurrency goals. IF however, quality content is a distant second on the list of priorities for the creators and users of Steemit, then everything is working as designed.
I continue to find it difficult to see Steemit reaching mass appeal at even a fraction of the popularity of other "social media" outlets without a lot of changes. As it is, quality content has little to do with Steemit. I would posit that one litmus test for determining when Steemit has reached the next level will be when posts on Steemit about Steemit are rare and rarely earners. Of course Steemit has grown very big, very quickly, and as such is already feeling the implications of "lots of human beings doing the same thing". Many are discontent, many are hoping for balance, and many are defenders of the faith. As is usual, we all believe we are in the balance group, but most of us are either discontent or fanatical. I am discontent, but trying not to be. I would write a post about it, but a) I do not want to add superfluous meta posts to Steemit and b) my influence and success on Steemit thus far make it highly probable no one would read it anyway. Of course this is somewhat ironic, because unless a whale (or preferably several) upvote ideas about change they will never be seen. Add to that the further layer of irony that meta posts that are upvoted by whales become big earners which only encourages further meta posts. Perhaps we need another change related to payouts for meta posts? Oh boy.