This is awesome, and what I think is worth mentioning here is that there is a difference between the genuine and the inauthentic.
For me, it's absolutely about some kind of strategy, and that's all of life, but what I won't do is say something I don't actually think or believe simply to acquire them dollahz!
I think that, if you can find something sincere, even if it's 'sincere satire', then say that flattering thing about someone else, by all means. Just mean it.
What I detect from some is a constant all-over-the-place attempt to ride any wave they can, and so their posts show no steady reveal of personal principles or values. Everything is momentarily based on what will grab them a dollar.
For those of us who value being ourselves before acquiring money, and who have ideas that matter more to us than piles of attention/dollars, we're more likely to draw a steady and respecting audience over time.
I'd rather be appreciated and valued for exactly what I am-- satire or not, whether everyone likes me or not. I find that I cannot bend away from the core of myself, I don't allow it. :)