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RE: The great peanut buttering of 1982 - A story from my youth

in #humor3 years ago (edited)

We don't EMA the innocent? What about if they look at us funny? Even then?

Fark, ok I'll play along.

We'd be like a beast-machine-transformer like when Optimus Prime gets joined up with one of the other Transformers only we'd be more beastly. Could you imagine deploying on some innocent bystander, just to warn the others in the immediate area? I'm getting shivers of anticipation down my spine at the thought...Oh hang on, that's happening because it's fucking cold here! Lol.


We'd be like a beast-machine-transformer like when Optimus Prime gets joins up with one of the other Transformers only we'd be more beastly

Now you could finally get your brother back for the great pb buttering hahahaah

I'm going to assume we have different definitions of cold... what is cold in celcius?

Hmm promise not to laugh? It's been 11°C today. Cold. 😆

Thanks for those links, I had a quick squiz and will go back. Elk really are a pretty legit beast, like us I guess. I actually really like the concept of some of the Native American ethos and beliefs. I don't know enough about it to be honest, to by shame and detriment. I feel junket coming on, up your way, for a seminar and around the fire sesh of learning about NA stuff. Now, just to come up with how I can get work to pay for it.

Native American is a beautiful culture centered around it's surrounding wilderness and features. Each Nation is different but with the 7 main core values called "The Grand-Father" teachings. Listen to nature and you can learn a lot and always provide for you. I only know some of it, not all of it. Still learning myself, but still had more exposure than a lot of people.


It's the nature aspect, the oneness with one's surroundings that I like about it. I also feel the nation has respect; you know, like for each other, elders and all. Like it should be.

Based on the above I'm a buffalobearwolfeagleturtlesabebeaver.

lol no those areall you values to observe, like 10 commandments just know...churchy. Your spirit animal is different entirely, those are your personal spirit guides.

Astrology legends are pretty cool too.

I figured that, I was just being a wanker. Lol.

Lol...Churchy. Yeah, that's not me.

I really like the concept and the nature aspect of it. I'd like to know more. I guess another thing on the list of things I have to do in the next twenty years before I croak.

Hey, maybe work will eventually cave and pay for it! You def should add it to your list of things of's pretty cool

My knowing is a little different set of creatures but much the same teachings.

I'm sure the animals/meanings/lessons can vary between Nations , just like the creation stories but it still comes down to very similar core beliefs or knowing, I'm sure Turtle Grandmother creation story still remains the base for all Nations as well with minor variations on how it is told.