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RE: The great peanut buttering of 1982 - A story from my youth

in #humor3 years ago

Tying up the brothers and leaving them to the elements is always a good time, more so when one forgets them and they suffer from exposure and lack of blood flow to their extremities. Ah yes, such good times spent playing with one's siblings.

That time you immobilised him...Like catching a tiger by the tail...Hard to let go without getting fucken bitten when you do. Also, a masterful deployment of the lick-weapon Tom, I am in awe of your magnificence, or as we say in the business, licknifigance.

And yet...Kudos to your brother for paper-weighting your noggin on the run. You both deserved your thrashing but, like me, you probably knew the right methods of tensing or relaxing depending upon the punishment being meted out. One learns after the first hundred or so.

I have so many stories Tom, I have to hold back or people will get sick of them. In truth, people probably already are.


So. Here's the rest to my story. I was about 20 and pretty big. That would make my brother about 16 and not so much. It was a Saturday night and we were at a party at a friends place. I was barely awake in an overstuffed chair. Randy wandered by and sat on the arm of the chair. He started asking me tough questions like " Do you remember when you licked my ear?" Do you remember when you tied me up and left me? Do you remember ...

After what seems like a really long time that was mostly indictments of me he proceeded to beat the dog shit out of me. Nobody came to my rescue because A: Most everybody realized I had this one coming and B: Nobody wanted to interfere with Randy because he looked possessed.

Haha...There's nothing quite like a surprise beating to pep one up!