
Haha, well I guess I can be in certain circumstances and when it's required, but there's many sides to me, some the complete antithesis of the others. I'm multifaceted I suppose. Mostly good value, but sometimes need an attitude adjustment. 😉

Just so you know, I've got bull in a china shop moves and some soft and tender touches as well. Circumstances dictate which is appropriate.

It's all about balance I guess!

Nothing wrong with being multifaceted. I think everyone usually call yourself simple tho...what's up with that :p

Lol, yeah I am in some ways I guess, complicated in some too.

The simple comment more refers to the fact I like simplicity and simple things; I find enjoyment in simple pleasures, don't need a lot of external stimulation. A hike, a book, simple meal, a chat...You know.

Some would see the simple comment from an inteigence aspect ai guess, but that's not what it's about. I'm not dumb, I'm a knucklehead. There's a difference.


big difference! lol

Haha, yep for sure. I like being a knucklehead; life's too short to be serious all the time and being a knucklehead adds a degree of fun and interest. I know when to be serious though, probably too much, which is why I add in a healthy dose of nutbaggery where possible.

it is fun, I don't take much too seriously either. I don't know if it's a good thing or bad. I'm off to bed, good night!

Night, good chatting.