I Am In Self Imposed Exile From Wordpress

in #humor8 years ago

First, let me introduce myself......and I'll try to be humble. Um....screw it, I'm NOT gonna be humble.
For years, 9 to be exact, I posted my daily blog on Wordpress entitled "MisfitWisdom." (for the record there are archives at misfit120.wordpress.com if you go there and click on the main title)

Anyhow, my blog was current events humor, which towards the end became increasingly hard to do. Mainly because of this past presidential election where I constantly found myself wanting to scrap the humor and bang my head against a tree every morning or beat a squirrel to death with an Oak tree branch.

NOTE: No squirrels were harmed during this election cycle.

Kinda hard to try and be funny when I really wanted to blow my stack. But, that said, which I just did, I decided to end my Wordpress blog and join Steemit and not lock myself into current events humor. In other words, instead of strangling a poor defenseless squirrel or damaging an Oak tree by banging my head against it, I could continue my humor but also veer off to commenting on other issues.

As you can see, on my first post here, it's kinda bland as I am learning the process and looking for an appropriate banner, if possible, to replace my Wordpress one. Although I did like that banner as it was an original and kinda looked like me, cept for the big nose. Appreciate any input on that......nose comments as well.

Should you venture to my Wordpress site and scan a few posts over the years feel free to offer suggestions and comments on how I might continue that format here, or possibly go a different route. Appreciate any input.

Hey, if you're a freelance cartoonist and want to offer me a header that would fit my demented mind as well as writing style, submit one and I'll take a look.

Here comes the not being humble part. I am also an author with three books under my belt....so to speak. "I Could Have Been Famous But Sex, Love and Life Got In The Way." My autobiography.

The Covert Chamber" a novel about Nazi's, time travel and lots of suspense.

And my most recent accomplishment, "Forgotten." about two WWII pilots who were killed in a tragic mid-air collision over my town back in 1944. All available at Amazon.com

So, as you can tell, I am all over the place when it comes to writing. Just like my mind......all over the place. Like I always say, a demented mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Thanks for joining me on my first post and I welcome your feedback.

Richard L. Vittorioso aka MisfitWisdom