OK.....So Lets Give This A 2nd Shot........

in #humor8 years ago

You'll have to cut me some serious slack here folks. Um...ok...ok...a lot of slack. This is only my second post here on Steemit and I'm learning the ropes.

Shortly........(no short jokes intended) I will be carrying over my header banner, which is "DILLIGARA" which stands for "Do I Look like I Give a Rats Ass."

Considering rats asses are in abundance, I figured, what the hell, if it works for rats, I might as well use it in here. Because, I really don't give a rats ass. Which is why I decided to move here. Lucky you.

As I said before in my first post, humor is my goal, BUT, sometimes I DO get pissed off and go on a tangent so I figured why not here than in Wordpress where actually no one there did give a rats ass. (I only amassed 400 followers in 9 years)

So, it was time to move on and try something new.

You'll find that my mind is really warped and I tend to look at things such as current events and other happenings quite differently.

For example. I once went on a tirade over not getting a specific donut at Krispy Kreme donuts. All the fuck I wanted was for them to dip a freakin' lemon filled donut into a vat of chocolate because even though Dunkin Donuts DOES make that donut they do not make it in my area. Bastards.

Soooo, I said,"Hey, how much an effort would it be for Krispy Kreme to dip a damn donut into a vat of chocolate and sell it to me?"

Well, as it turned out, to them, it was a biggggggg fucking deal.

But let me clarify something first. The FIRST time, after a lot of whinning, crying, and stomping my feet, they DID make that donut for me and I bought a dozen.

BUT......the second time they gave me a ration of shit. Bastards. Wouldn't make that donut for me. Company rules.

So now, I do not patronize Krispy Kreme.

I know, I know, big to do about nothing.

BUT...it's the freakin' point of it all. Which is, (thinking logically) WTF is the big deal. Make the damn donut and ya make a damn sale. How logical is that for cripes sake!!!!!!

But noooooooo. Guess logic was too much for them to handle.

Anyhow, that's just one of my tirades I went off on. Sometimes ya just have to let it all out folks.

So, expect an occasional outburst, a lot of stupid humor on current events, and on occasion what makes my other half think I'm nuts.

She may be right.

Trust me, this will get better as I learn the ropes. Hang in.



welcome @misfitwisdom!! I like your humor so far:) I'm new here too and have only done 2 posts as well!! I hope you like it here and find it welcoming:)

Thanks..........still tryin' to figure this all out.