Do you Remember Your First Bra?

in #humor8 years ago


I am the oldest girl on both sides of the family. Nothing magical about being the eldest. Just part of this introduction. Sure Dad would have preferred a son, but since it wasn't to be I was the athlete, and junior achiever Dad never got. They called me "string bean" cause of my lean mean fighting machine of a body. With my PF fliers I could run faster and jump higher than the average kid. See commercials for keds.

Everyone wanted me to be on their team. Kick ball, soft ball, track, basketball, skiing swimming. It was a thrill to be a winner on the best team. Life was so much fun. Being out until dinner time during the summer. Never worrying about mishaps or weird people. Times were good and people looked out for one another's kids.

Honestly, Dad wasn't around much. Weekends sometimes, summers more often. Mom was the real influence on my upbringing. She had amazing ideas that kept the doldrums to a minimum. She was a truly creative person:

About age seven she sat on the back steps and used food dyes to teach me about primary colors. She would tell me about what would happen when I mixed the different colors together. For hours we sat there on the steps and I would pour rainbows of yellows greens, blues, and reds together.

When I turned 8 she took me out to the back yard and told me to start digging. That it was time for me to learn how to plant a vegetable garden. Green beans and tomatoes, squash and peppers. Talk about being proud!

At 9 It was all about picking fruit and vegetables from the bigger farms. We would gather up our harvest and we would spread out on the back porch with the Grandmothers, snapping beans and preparing for canning and freezing.

Mom was forever taking us to visit her Aunts. All of them were kind and loving down to earth kind of women with families of their own. Usually older than we were. While they visited over coffee, us kids would poke around in the creek or explore the woods. My Aunt Peg lived just over the hill and she would always shush us when she watched her soaps. She ran us out during her favorite which was "Love is a Many Splendored Thing" she had about 10 kids so I figured she deserved a break.

Every summer just before school started back up, Mom would get out the Sears catalog and let us to pick out what kind of sneakers we wanted and to pick our favorite color along with our new shoes she would also include a matching sweatshirt. It was so exciting when the package showed up.

One year when I was about 11 years old.... Mom handed out the goodies and I couldn't wait to try them on. That was until she pulled out a training bra for me and told me to see if it fit. I nearly hit the ceiling about that darned bra. She had betrayed me ordering that "over the shoulder boulder holder." Why in the world do they call them training bras, they don't train! They are our oppressors, evil things making us feel confined and squashing our childhood!

Unfortunately for me it fit. You know one size fits all type of rubber band thing. It felt like certain punishment. Just because of being a girl!


wow, yeah, this is so real.
for better or for worse i was super flat until i was like 14, but the day always comes. how dare they.

My older sister used to call me a carpenter's dream (flat as a board) but I still got the training bra in 7th grade. Didn't need it and I don't remember really wearing it. Never needed one all through high school. So embarrassing. I specialized in my acquired invisible status. Perfected it even.

So true! Thanks for stopping by! 🐓🐓
One never forgets some things.

I so wish I had something meaningful to say... XD
Ahem, being a girl MUST be tough...

Thanks for your support! No pun intended! Haha! 🐓🐓

"Over the shoulder boulder holder"!! The superwit boys we grew up with thought that was just the funniest thing to say, along with "WonderBra - I wonder what's under it!". Like I said, superwits :-). And what superwit came up with the idea of a training bra anyway? Like you said, they don't train. Thanks for an entertaining story. 🙂 🙂

Oh, and love the picture! I take it you were Elly Mae? ;-)

Yes of course I am! Wishing we had a cement pond right about now. You are singing the Beverly Hillbilly song right now aren't you? Lol. 🐓🐓

Uh-oh, I might be calling you Elly-Mae from now on 🤣.

As soon as I saw the photo, that banjo was in my head! And the sheer joy of knowing it's pronounced see'-ment...😎

Once a seed is planted... watch out! What other treasures from the past await?
Happy Day my friend. Off to my pottery class today. 🐓🐓

Enjoy! Perhaps a post on what you make in class?

Now that would be funny! I am pretty much a novice. 🐓🐓

I can't say that I do lol but I know that women hate bras and wish they didn't have to wear them. I can only imagine how annoying it is, but once you get home, it's freedom at last!

You said it. Now imagine having your freedom taken away @ age 11 for a couple of mosquito bites! Thanks for stopping by 🐓🐓