Thanks and its going good a good phone call with the kids and grandkids then my better half and me went for a walk in the mall to get our steps in, now editing photos and preparing posts for the coming week :)
I trust that the better half is coping with the the walks JJ.
It should be a good help to her health?
Always good to talk to the kids and the kids Lol
I do no editing so I go out there, take the shots, crop them and post them each day.
May you guys also have a good week.
Well she is struggling a little as she hurt her ankle and had a weeks break but now getting back to it, occasionally she needs to sit a little but tat works for me I do a quick walk at my normal pace while she sits :)
apart from my cell hone shots in my evening posts all my photos are edited, just the way I am LOL
Well when you read this I wish you a good morning and a Blessed Sunday
Just read it my friend and thank you for the kind wishes.
Hope that you guys are also having a blessed Sunday!
Its rainy and cool a nice day to spend indoors ;)
Enjoy the day my bro.
Thanks and its going good a good phone call with the kids and grandkids then my better half and me went for a walk in the mall to get our steps in, now editing photos and preparing posts for the coming week :)
Have a great week ahead
I trust that the better half is coping with the the walks JJ.
It should be a good help to her health?
Always good to talk to the kids and the kids Lol
I do no editing so I go out there, take the shots, crop them and post them each day.
May you guys also have a good week.
Well she is struggling a little as she hurt her ankle and had a weeks break but now getting back to it, occasionally she needs to sit a little but tat works for me I do a quick walk at my normal pace while she sits :)
apart from my cell hone shots in my evening posts all my photos are edited, just the way I am LOL