in #humor7 years ago (edited)


I could remember when I was very small, my grandparents would tell me some very funny superstitions just to keep me away from doing somethings or to cure some ailments. Of course as a child, I would want to do whatever I was told just to obey them and to keep me fit. Very funny though!

In those days, in Nigeria, superstitions are very true to the call that we tell it to others even when they aren't real. let me explain what superstition is.

What is Superstition?

Superstition is a pejorative term for any belief or practice that is considered irrational: for example, if it arises from ignorance, a misunderstanding of science or causality, a positive belief in fate or magic, or fear of that which is unknown. "Superstition" also refers to religious beliefs or actions arising from irrationality.

I would like to explain some common superstitions I observed as a child...

1. Hiccup


Whenever I had hiccups, drinking a glass of water bit-by-bit seven times was recommended, trust me and that would go. That's not all, sometimes, when it failed to go, I would cut a thread from my cloth and put on my head and would not be remove until it's gone. This sounds funny right? Hahahah... but I did it.

Later I got to know that all those are not necessary. Drinking a glass of water solves it for me but not bit-by-bit in a certain amount of time.

2. Looking into the Mirror at Night


This is another funny and scary one. What is it this time? I was told looking at the mirror at night confirms that I'm a witch. For so many years, I was scared to look at the mirror truly.

When I grew up, I found this to be unreal. I asked why such, all I was told was in order for me to go to bed in time. Can you imagine?

3. Broken Teeth


This is very funny but I did it. Imagine when a tooth is damaged and removed, all I was told to do was to take the removed tooth, get seven goat dungs and seven small stones of the same size with the tooth. Then put them on the roof of the house and monitor in order for them not to get missing. This would aid the tooth grow faster.

Another technique was to take the tooth, goat dungs and stones, run round the house seven times. Hahahah. When this is not the fall of Jericho...

4. Slicing Onions


Finally, this is another superstition. Naturally, I don't like slicing onions because it makes me shed tears. Of course, I would want something that would take the tears off my eyes immediately. What was recommended was to put a little drop of water on one of my feet and it would go. But that never applied to me. So many people have their ways of reacting to this.

5. Giving a Child a Full Egg to Eat


I don't know what's bad in giving a child a full egg to eat. I'm sure children are entitled to eating large portion of meat, fish, egg, etc. as these would enhance their growing process but rather parents would say eating a full egg will make him/her a thief.

Parents are so funny! Shout out to parents here on steemit... hahah


Sometimes, these superstitions are quiet funny, hilarious to listen to but as a child, you would think they are true and real. I have gone to so many places, mingled with so many cultures, and I saw that it's not only my culture. Every culture has their own forms of superstitions.

I'm sure you went through one of the forms of superstitions...hahah

Hope you enjoyed reading through! Feel free to write yours in the comment section. I would love to know more.
Thank you.

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oh wow! the mirror huh
the broken teeth is funny hehe

Seriously funny..sometimes I imagine that I did all of these...

This is an amusing and cool post!!
Way to go @pricessdharmy!! Very innovative!!
When I was a young child, and we lost a baby tooth.
I would put the tooth under my pillow and the "Tooth Fairy"
would come during the night and replace it with a quarter.
Eventually you realize it was Mom & Dad doing this.
Bear Hugs!! x0x0x

Very funny..parents are awesome!!!
Nice one Pappy.
I hope you didn't do that to your baby too? [smiles]

I can't keep laughing,ofcourse I have gone through such too. Another superstition is when I am about to sow a torn part of my cloth while putting it on and they will say I shouldn't because it makes me a ghost.hahaha. They know if I hear the word ghost,I wouldn't want to try it. They know if I hear of ghost,would be scared.

Don't mind parents.
I'm sure children of nowadays aren't scared anymore.

Sure,they aren't scared anymore

I'm sure we had many but just can't think of any right now.

Upvoted from the whaleshares show!

if you eat a full egg becoming a thief, its true ;)

Really? I would love to eat many full eggs..hhahah

It's amazing how we let so many menial things scare us and kinda dictate on how we go and live our lives!! Pretty interesting post!

Amazing post

I heard most of these from my old folks :D

the broken tooth hahaha so funny... :-D what's wrong with the egg hahaha :-D thank you for sharing this post, @princessdharmy :-)